Chapter three: Почему

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A/N So i had/have a bunch of exams, so sorry for not uploading. (if you see grammar mistakes, or a word that does not belong there, please inform me) Also I am not a Nazi, a fascist or whatever and I don't support them!

Note: rewritten

[Он (if you're wondering, you say it like "on") is not the name of the character (and for people who are lazy to put it into google translator, it means "he")]


It was dark.  But Он saw what he needed to. He was in a dark alleyway. The shadows were looking at him, like they would like to kill him. And probably they could do it, so Он stayed in the light. Not like there were that many.

Он looked around, if Он was waiting for someone. And probably Он was.

Он was standing in front of a door now. Он was inspecting the carving on the wooden door.

Then, Он opened the door. It was a bar. A strange one. People from all kind had their base in this little hole of society.

There were rumours about how this place was made. Some say it's from the Nazi times. Others stories are full with the fact that a person with time and place breaking quirk made it. Some others think that the Soviets made it in the Cold war. Or maybe that some US agents made it. Noone knows the truth.

There aren't any owners for the bar. Or at least noone knows them. The people of the bar are a weird bunch too. There were a few illegal organisation like some still remaining fascists, drug dealers, serial killers and maybe even some billionaires.

Он saw odd people eating something weird. Он wanted to get out from here as fast as Он could. Он did not like this place. When Он set a foot into the place, everyone looked at him.

The other strange thing about the bar, that people from the "past" often came here. Он saw people from the greek era, the cold war and even the great war. These people were all dead in the "present", but they were somehow here. Noone asked them how they got here. This is how the time and place braking quirk came into the picture.

Он looked around. Он saw what Он came for. Он went to the table where Он saw the person Он needed to talk to. The person looked up at newcomer.
"I am very pleased you aren't that late this time. You're only late about an hour. This is your new personal record."
"Very funny [REDACTED]. We all know why I am late."
"Of course. Here it is what you need."
"You sure this is safe?"
"Of course [REDACTED]. Everything I sell is safe."
"Just like how the [REDACTED], the [REDACTED] and the [REDACTED] is safe?" The other person looked around nervously.
"Those were just small mistakes."
"Yeah. You just erased an entire [REDACTED] from [REDACTED]. That was a small mistake. Now give me the stuff"
"Here it is."

Он looked at the [REDACTED]. Он could try it later. Now Он needed to deal with someone.

"It was a pleasure doing business with you."
"Same [REDACTED]. Same."
Он walked out of the bar finally when Он saw something. Or rather someone. Someone who should be dead (Even through time and space)....


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