8: The Foam

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Percy POV

I was late to work. Since it was the morning, there were huge lines in front of the elevators. I was already forty minutes late because of Tyson's chemo session. I had to drive him home afterward, and (of course) there was traffic.

I was running up the stairs. My heart hammered in my chest as I pounded up the stairs. May I remind everyone that Annabeth's office is on the top floor.

My breaths were ragged as I walked through the maze of cubicles. Silena grabbed my arm and asked if I was okay. I didn't have time to answer. 

I simply broke free of her grasp and ran into Ms. Chase's office. 

I don't know why I was so scared. This was the first time that I was late. I knew that there would be consequences, but she wasn't going to fire me. Right? 

Annabeth Chase was waiting for me. 

Her gaze washed over me as I froze in front of her desk. I was heavily inhaling and exhaling through my nose while she crossed her leg. She looked as beautiful and professional as ever. Her hair was in a ponytail like usual. 

"YOU'RE LATE," my boss snapped. 

I winced while thinking of an excuse. However, my mind was empty. Under her intimidating gaze, I could barely think. 

"Um, there was traffic and family problems," I stammered. 

"I don't tolerate incompetence and tardies," Annabeth affirmed coldly. "You haven't messaged me either. I missed a meeting because of you." 

"I'm so sorry, boss. It won't happen again." 

"Damn straight. It will never happen again." Annabeth's voice rose several notches. She stood up and eyed me down. I was taller than her, yet she felt way more powerful. 

That's the thing about my boss. With just one look, she makes me feel lesser. I already feel stupid in front of her genius. Honestly, I wasn't sure what special qualities I could bring to this company. 

Not to mention, I kept doing something that would make her angry. Then, she'd yell at me or give me more work to do. 

I braced myself for getting fired. 

However, suddenly, the door opened behind me. I followed Annabeth's gaze to the person that came into the office without permission. Argus came in with a bucket and a bag. He set the bucket of water and bag of sponges and soap on the floor. 

"Ms. Chase, I brought what you asked for." 

"Thank you, Argus. At least one of my employees is following directions and being on time. That's better than most," Annabeth said firmly. 

Even though she was talking to Argus, her comments were aimed at me. They hit me square in the chest. 

Argus left promptly, and Annabeth walked towards me. I swallowed the lump in my throat while gazing at Annabeth. She was fairly tall, and her heels added a few more inches. Right now, she was only two or three inches shorter than me. 

"The bucket and sponges are for you."

"What do you mean?" I asked nervously. I was confused now. 

"Since you came late, I am giving you a job." She pulled out some car keys. "Go and clean my car. I want it to be sparkly clean when I check later." 

"OH MY GOD. Are you kidding?" I blurted out. Washing someone's car wasn't in the job description of a personal assistant. "That's not fair." 

"You do as I say. I'm the boss of you," Annabeth Chase ordered. 

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