19: The Rebel

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Percy POV

"Congratulations, Percy, on the publication of Say Hello to the Stars," Artemis exclaimed. 

I smiled while raising a glass of champagne. They were paying for the bottle because I'm not spending that kind of money on alcohol. Besides, the Hunters were throwing a celebratory toast for me and the editors. 

"We're proud of the book, and we can't wait for it to get out in the world," Zoe agreed. The other editors cheered in agreement. 

"What made you all change your minds?" I asked. 

"You probably already know the answers to that question. The truth is that blood doesn't make a family. Your decisions do," Artemis expressed. "After all, I'm related to the Olympus Magnate by blood, but I still decided to break away. Same thing with your aunt Hestia." 

"If you don't want to be related to Poseidon, no one can force that on you. It wouldn't be right for us to hold prejudice." 

That made me feel so good. "Thank you for understanding." 

We were sitting in the same board room of the Hunters that I had my interview in. Artemis sat at the head of the table while I was sitting in my usual seat. The celebration was lively, and I still couldn't believe that this was happening. Of course, I have so many people to thank. The first revision I made to my mock-up was an update to the acknowledgments. 

I wanted to give everyone the proper credits. This included giving credit to the artist of the cover, Artemis and the Hunters (specifically, Zoe), and most importantly, Annabeth Chase. 

Without Annabeth, this would not have been possible. She talked to Artemis and explained my situation. She made them understand that I am NOT a part of Olympus. 

"So, when should we publish the novel?" I asked. 

My hand clung to the final copy of my novel. It was a few weeks after I received my mock-up present from Annabeth. I had to spend a lot of time with revisions and reading, but it was all worth it. They gave me three copies of the final version. 

I loved the cover, the message, and the novel. It was perfect, and I was so proud. 

"The book is ready. We're ready to publish at any point. However, as the author, why don't you decide on a date, preferably soon?" Artemis said. 

We were nearing the middle of June. Summer has been easier for my family. Tyson doesn't have school, so when he's off chemotherapy, he has a lot more time to relax. His health is improving as well when you discount the symptoms of chemo. 

Things were finally looking up. 

I only have one dilemma. Poseidon and Dare didn't do anything. Poseidon made a big announcement at the formal, but he didn't follow up on it. That seemed too good to be true. A businessman isn't going to lose a deal like that. 

I couldn't help but feel like something is stirring. I just didn't know what or when. 

I smiled while looking around my editing and publishing team. I knew exactly the date that I wanted to publish my book. 

Plus, the plan would allow a few weeks for publicity. 

"I would like to publish the novel on July 12th if that's okay," I answered. I clutched the final copies of my book in excitement. 

"Why that date?" Zoe asked curiously. 

"A person who is very special to me was born on July 12th. I would like to surprise her on her birthday with Say Hello to the Stars."

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