King's High

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Spacing out from the last few nights Taco felt the unexpected pain on his arm as he flinched looking at the culprit behind it, seeing his friend Sprite. "Taco! Did you even listen to what Wendy said?" They asked making Taco instantly feel a weight of guilt rush over his shoulders, something triggered a memory a few nights back.

But what could have the trigger been?

"Oh, no. Sorry." He admitted making Wendy groan while Sprite facepalmed. "Like always. I wish someone could ruin that pretty little minds of you so bad that you could focus on something." Wendy's snapped crossing her arms placing her legs crisscrossed onto the table

She fixed the bottom of her dress while Dunkin' shoved her legs off the table, "Move bratty bitch." They exclaimed while Taco glanced down at their wrist seeing a blue bracelet. 'He/Him today, okay.' He thought to himself while Wendy's scoffed. "Anyways, as I was saying,"

She had a mischievous grin on her face crossing her arms. "I'm hooking up with this guy named 'Dave'. His brother Buster was much more pleasing though." She groaned making Taco scrunch up his nose placing a hand on his cheek "You might as well fuck the whole school." He snarled

"I just might." She giggled making Dunkin roll his eyes taking a bite of his tuna fish sandwich. "Speaking of comes Dave." Sprite pointed out, looking behind Wendy's as she turned around. Taco got up grabbing his empty tray decorated with scraps. "I have class in a few minutes." Taco suddenly spoke

Earning a weird glance from Dunkin' while Sprite nodded, "Get to there safe." They smiled making Taco smile back and walk off while he walked towards a trashcan. Tossing the tray into it, walking out of the chaotic lunchroom. He really just wanted to find Bell and apologize her after the same situation that night was on repeat in his mind,

He walked through the halls of the college. He felt a weight pulling him down from his shoulders though not physically but mentally and emotionally he felt like a ball and chain was dragging behind him with every step he took before bumping into someone's back making him startled.

"Who the hell─?" The person turned around revealing Arby's "Sorry." He looked next to Arby's to reveal Ihop. "You're fine. He forgives you!" Ihop exclaimed in her happy tone but her devilish stare in Arby's direction said otherwise "Right my dear?" She said making Arby's tense up a bit before clearing his throat

"Yep, it's fine man." Arby's smiled putting a thumbs up while Taco nodded, walking through the halls again to find the girl he was looking for.

He continued to walk through the halls but to his luck, he couldn't find her. He gave up and just headed to his classes and now it was 5 PM, it was time for him to head back to his house. He exited the college and walked onto the campus until he heard a familiar tone

"Hey! Taco!" Applebee's shouted making the male turn around while being hugged almost immediately. He awkwardly wrapped his arms around the other chuckling nervously "Hey, I've missed you too." He said his voice softened while Applebee's giggled.

The other male then cleared his throat while the two began walking "You not staying on the campus this time?" He asked a small hint of sadness in his tone while Taco shook his head, "No. Not really." He said "Aw. Why not?" Applebee's asked

"I couldn't find someone. I really needed to talk to them about something important. About the new pop quiz,, every class is gonna be taking for their final grade this semester." He explained making Applebee's nod in reply

"Wait. Who are you trying to look for?" Applebee's suddenly stopped walking making Taco stop in his tracks to look back at Applebee's "Bell." He said as Applebee's expression turned into a slightly panicked one. "You need to text her tonight." He instantly said putting a firm grip on the other's shoulder

"What? Why?" He suddenly asked while he began to panic on the inside but didn't dare to show it."Just. Text. Her tonight." His brows furrowed and his eyes darkened to a serious expression. When did the tension between the two become so thick and intimidating just like that?

"Okay?" He said confused before his best friend suddenly lightened up again "See you tomorrow in class!" Apple exclaimed walking away making Taco nod in reply walking off. "Yeah."

Walking away from The King's High School.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2022 ⏰

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