The Silver Hand

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 The first thing Cyrus heard when he woke up was the beeping and whirring of medical equipment nearby. His senses were foggy at first, so naturally he had no idea what was going on. As he began to gain back his senses, however, he realized that he was in the Temple's medical ward. He took a deep breath and went to sit up. Just one problem, though. He was strapped down to the hospital bed. He grew more and more confused and anxious until he noticed someone sitting in a nearby chair. His heart dropped as he saw that it was his master, Weiss Schnee. The look on her face showed sorrow and a hint of fear.

Cyrus: Master Schnee. What the hell is going on? Why am I strapped to this bed?

Weiss: Cyrus... the council deemed the threat of you waking up to be too great to risk. So they restrained you and tasked me to watch over you to make sure you didn't break free.

Cyrus: What? That makes no sense, why would you restrain me, I didn't do anything!

Weiss' face now changed to a shocked expression.

Weiss: Wait, Cyrus... are you telling me that you don't remember anything that happened yesterday?

Cyrus: I remember that we were attacked by Valerins, and one of them-

Weiss: Silver Hand.

Cyrus: Huh?

Weiss: You were unconscious when the broadcast happened, but the Valerins made a huge announcement.

Flashback to the Previous Day

Every big screen in the Vale metropolitan area was suddenly hijacked. Whatever was playing on them previously was summarily replaced with static. Many scrolls were also affected by this as well. After a moment, the static cut out and was replaced by a live feed of a man standing at a podium. The man had jet black hair and glasses that exemplified the dagger-like gaze that his eyes presented.

Valeris: I come to you on behalf of the benefactors of true humanity. As of recent history, you have come to know us as The Valerins. I speak to you as the founder and leader of this group, you may call me Valeris. Our message may be simple, but it is pertinent that everyone hears it. The Jedi have taken so much. The Grimm War's victory at their hands has blinded the populace to the damage that they have caused. They are riding upon their reputation, and the masses are letting it happen. It is clear that we have not been bold enough. It is now time to restructure. I, Valeris, commander in chief of the Valerin Order, formally dissolved the Valerins entirely.

Crowds around the city were shocked, and began to talk amongst themselves about the strange situation.

Valeris: And in the same breath, I declare the creation of a new nation. A Fifth Kingdom! This is our proclamation. Hear our name! We are the Empire of the Silver Hand!

The Valerin banners in the background summarily fell to the floor. Underneath revealed a black banner with the emblem of a silver fist clutching an arrow.

Valeris: Our goals all meet at a single point. That point being the destruction of the Jedi Order in its entirety! As such, the Silver Hand has enacted its first action. As Emperor of the Silver Hand, I am issuing a formal declaration of war upon the Jedi Order of Remnant, and all who may support their efforts! If the citizens of the world see fit to support our cause, then I encourage you to take to the streets! Break the streets! Break the buildings! BREAK EVERYTHING! THIS IS OUR FIGHT! THIS IS OUR WAR! BY OUR HAND, THE JEDI ORDER WILL WITHER AND DIE!

Flashback ends

Weiss: The Kingdoms of Vale and Atlas have pledged support to us, and as such, riots are running rampant in both regions. To keep themselves safe, Mistral and Vacuo have declared neutrality, but who knows how much time that will buy them.

Cyrus: All of this happened in a day?

Weiss nodded.

Weiss: Grandmaster (L/N)'s prediction was correct, we had been heading towards another Great War for the past few months. Now it looks like it is finally upon us.

Cyrus: A Second Great War... but I still don't understand, why am I strapped down to this thing?

Weiss: You went berserk, Cyrus. You unlocked some odd power and killed all of the mercenaries and seriously injured Captain Ashfield.

Cyrus: WHAT? I attacked Captain Ashfield?

Weiss: You were only able to be stopped when the Grandmaster intervened. He used Force Judgment to knock you unconscious, and then we dragged you here.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of the door opening. From where Cyrus was laying, he couldn't tell who entered the door, but his question was answered by Weiss before he even asked it.

Weiss: Grandmaster (L/N)!

(Y/N): Is he awake?

Weiss: Yes he is. He appears to have snapped out of it.

After she said this, the Grandmaster himself walked into view. Given the circumstances, his presence made Cyrus terrified. 

(Y/N): Yesterday's events have created tension not seen since the Great War. The Silver Hand has made their move, and the other powers will likely make theirs in due time.

Weiss: By other powers you mean-

(Y/N): Yes, I mean the Demon Mages and the Sith.

Weiss: If they stand against us, then our chances of victory will be very slim.

(Y/N): I'm aware of that, which is why I want to make use of the ace up our sleeve.

Cyrus got confused when (Y/N) turned to face him after saying this. Cyrus got even more nervous when the grandmaster approached his hospital bed. After preparing for the worst, Cyrus was, to say the least, surprised when (Y/N) undid his restraints.

(Y/N): There you go kid, that should be better.

Weiss: Wait, hold on. You want to use my padawan as a weapon? Isn't that cruel to him and us?

(Y/N): I am not using him for anything. I am giving him the tools he needs to be one of the greatest Jedi that Remnant has ever seen.

Cyrus: Grandmaster (L/N), sir. I have no idea what's going on. What do I have to do with any of this, and what makes me "the ace up your sleeve"?

(Y/N) smirked and then responded.

(Y/N): I'm surprised you didn't put the pieces together yet. The reason is obvious, it's your powers. Your eyes bore the symbol of Famine when you had your episode yesterday.

Cyrus: W- Wait, do you mean t- to tell me-

(Y/N): Yes, Cyrus... You're a Demon Mage.

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