Chap. 4 Karma

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Another banner from @1Winter_Firefly.

I walked out of the meal dentoutekina with Airi-chan after satisfying my stomach. "I wonder how Hoshi-chan is doing?" I wondered out loud. "She probably is having a better love life than us." Airi-chan said, a little sadly. "Sakura-chan! I'm going to murder you and sell your body to Ryuu-kun!" Hoshi-chan yelled as she started running towards us. "Why Ryuu-kun?" I asked, curiously. "And shouldn't you be graceful to me?"

Before she could answer, Tora-chan came over and said "Sakura-chan! Uchida-sensei called for you!". "Okay!" I said, happy to get away from Hoshi-chan's wrath. "Sakura-chan, when you get back, you are going to pay." Hoshi-chan yelled, her eyes betraying her mock anger. I laughed and followed Tora-chan to Uchida-sensei. When we found to Uchida-sensei, he gestured Tora-chan to leave. She complied and slowly walked away. 

"Sakura-san, you have been chosen to escort the Prince back to the Empire tomorrow. The trip will take a week to get to and from the Empire. You are dismissed." Uchida-sensei said hurriedly and quickly got up and left the room. I sat there like an idiot, trying to process what he said. All I heard was Prince, trip, Empire, week, dismissed. As I put two and two together, I walked towards where Airi-chan and Hoshi-chan were. "There you are! Now I'm going to get my revenge!" Hoshi-chan shouted at me. As she was about to lung at me, I put all the words together. And for some reason, I started screaming with joy. Which sounded a lot like a scream of pain. Startled, Hoshi-chan stopped while Airi-chan got her shurikens out. "Are you okay, Sakura-chan?" Airi-chan asked. "Yeah, it's just that Uchida-sensei assigned me a mission to escort some prince to the Empire tomorrow." I said calming down. "WHAT!" They both shouted.

"Really! This is going to be your first mission." Airi-chan shouted. Her eyes sparkling. "Lucky!" Hoshi-chan said. If I hadn't known Hoshi-chan for a long time, I would'nt have dectected the little hint of jealously in her voice. "Do you know if the Prince is hot? I mean, what if he is." Airi-chan chattered.

"Are you ladies talking about me?" A deep voice said. We turned around saw Arata-kun behind us. Arata-kun is from the village that was next to mine before the choosing. He was pretty hot(I hate to admit it, but it's true.). His lean muscled body stood out more in the village because most of the other guys are muscular than lean. His hair was more spikey and slightly more longer than the other guys. If anyone else had the same hair style as him, they would have looked like there was a porcupine on his head. Only he can pull that hairstyle off.

"Arata-kun! Sorry, but we weren't talking about you." I greeted.

"I guess you're in the list of hot guys." Airi-chan said, feigning nonchalance.

"I don't think it is apporpriate to call a relative hot." Hoshi-chan said laughing. Airi-chan giggled. Arata-kun and Hoshi-chan were cousins. They look alike no matter how much they deny it. They both have slightly elvish features.

"Sakura-chan, the Prince wants to meet his escort." Arata-kun said with a mock bow.

"Coming!" I said. I waved goodbye to Airi-chan and Hoshi-chan and hurried to follow Arata-kun's long paces. As we got to the carraige, a slightly familar person was facing us. "YOU!" he exclaimed. I cocked my head in confusion. I think I would remember a guy that is as hot as him. "You're the one who hit me in the head!" He exclaimed again.

"Oh yeah!" I said, remembering. "WAIT! YOU'RE A PRINCE!"

"Yeah." he said smirking a little. "I'm going to be Emperor one day and I'm going to execute you for hurting a royal,"

I started laughing really hard. "What?" He asked.

"Screw You!!" I gasped out between breaths. Arata-kun tried to hold in his laughter.

He groaned in frustration and stomped off to his horses. I stopped laughing and immediately straightened up. I realized how screwed I am. Just touching a royal can lead to a horrible punishment. Maybe the Prince is merciful. No, karma is never going to allow that.

One hour later, I was at the shrine. I bowed my head in respect towards the gods and prayed. I prayed for a mutual peace between the Prince and I and for me to not be killed before my time. I looked up to the gods after I prayed. "Please..." I whispered. Karma and the gods must be laughing at me right now.

Dear Readers,

Sooooo sorry that this took a while to load. I didn't know what to write :P. Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed the book so far. Credit to @1winter_firefly for the banner. I'll try to do one chapter a week next time.


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