Chap. 3 A fight and a set up

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Shout out to 1WinterFirefly for the awesome banner!

"And that concludes our morning meditation. " Uchida-sensei said, jolting me out of my trip down memory lane. I opened my eyes and saw Ryuu-kun offering his hand to me. "Come on, Sakura-chan. You owe me a sparring match." He said with a grin on his face. I took his hand and he lifted me up to my feet. "Can we spar after breakfast? I'm starving." I asked trying to ignore my growling stomach. "Afraid I'm going to beat you?" He taunted, his black eyes sparkling with mirth. Airi-chan giggled next to me. She knew how much better I fought when I was hungry. "Fine." I snapped, "you asked for it."

We went outside with the other ninjas to the sparring field. No one can miss a sparring match after morning meditation. Hoshi-chan shyly gave me a smile of encouragement while Tadashi-kun put his arm around her shoulder, making her blush redder than a beet. I giggled as I picked my katana. The same one I use during the choosing, while Ryuu-kun picked up his long, black katana with a pure black sheath. Tora-chan, one of the prettier girls in the ninja village, gave Ryuu-kun a wink, making me gag. "Not everyone can handle my hotness, Sakura-chan." He teased as he flipped his hair to the side. He was kind of hot, I guess. With his muscular body and neat hair with that one piece of hair that always slightly stick out that made almost every girl want to reach out and fix it. The only thing it made me want to do was cut it out with my shurikens. "Hurry up and fight, pretty boy." I teased back as I expertly twirled my katana in the air.

We both started in our stances. Him being the impatient one, gave out of mock war cry, and charged in my direction. He slashed at my right and held of look of surprise when I met his katna with a loud clang that echoed throughout the field. I feinted to the left and slashed at his right. He used our muscular arms to his advantage and met my katana using his full strength. The bones in my arm jolted and almost made me let go of my katana. 'Okay,' I thought as I parried to the right. 'Win this and we can eat.' My grumbling stomach growled in agreement. I met Ryuu-kun's eyes and gave him a vicious smile. I then started nimbly moving my feet, moving him around the field with me just out of reach. He started getting impatient and kept slashing like a mad man while following my lead. He suddenly tripped, not use to moving around while fighting. I used this oppurtunity and shoved my katana onto his throat. "Surrender." I said in a amused voice. "Fine." He said groaned. We stayed in that position until my stomach loudly growled, voicing out its only statement. I blushed slightly while he started laughing.

"Let's eat." Ryuu-kun said. I took my katana off his throat and put it back into its sakura sheath. He put his katana in his hand and we walked to the crowd of other ninjas. "Sakura-chan, Hoshi-chan let's go before the guys eat everything." Airi-chan yelled. She grabbed both of our hands and she dragged us to the meal dentoutekina. Airi-chan couldn't resist food.

"So, Hoshi-chan, Tadashi-kun, huh?" I teased on our way there. Hoshi-chan blushed fiercely. "Um, well, um Tadashi-kun is um a very nice person." She flustered. "Yes, a VERY nice person." Airi-chan said, rolling her eyes. I was about to continue onto her statement until I crashed into someone. "I'm so sorry!" I said, watching as the person straightened up. He was very tall with slightly long hair and a very muscular body and looked around my age. He was wearing dark trousers and a dark tunic. Which was strange, if anyone was around my age, they would be wearing their shinobi shozoko.

"Watch where your going, peasant. Know your place" He snapped.  

"It was an accident. And I am not a peasant." I snapped back, angered that he dared call me a peasant.  

"Everyone below me is one." He sniffed. I growled, and then I quickly spun behind him and karate chopped his neck. He dropped down and groaned in pain and surprise. "Listen, you self conceited jerk, I am a ninja. Don't you dare call me a peasant." I hissed. I whipped around and Airi-chan and Hoshi-chan giggled while following. Tadashi-kun and Ryuu-kun, who watched the whole thing, stared at me.

"Sakura-chan, why did you do that? That guy was hot!" Airi-chan yelled. "He's not as hot as Tadashi-kun." Hoshi-chan whispered while blushing as she realized Tadashi-kun was right behind us, smiling like an idiot. I grinned evilly as a plan formed in my mind. "Tadashi-kun, can you take Hoshi-chan to the infirmary, her face has been red all day. I think she has a fever." I asked with a voice covered in "concern". Airi-chan, who always wanted Tadashi-kun and Hoshi-chan to date, nodded in agreement. "No-o-o, I'm f-f-ine." Hoshi-chan stuttered, giving us a pleading look. I giggled in the inside as I pressed one of her pressure point in her shoulder and hid the motion by putting my arm around her shoulder. She collapsed into Tadashi-kun's arms.

"Tadashi-kun, can you please carry her to the infirmary?" I asked sweetly. "Sure, Sakura-chan." He said, shooting a graceful look at me. He picked her up and started heading towards the infirmary. When he was out of sight, Airi-chan turned to me and said "Nice thinking Sakura-chan! Now let's go eat." I nodded, pleased that my plan worked. "Now so the same thing with that hot guy from earlier." Airi-chan said. I rolled my eyes. 'I hope I never see that jerk again.' I thought angrily

Author s note.  

Thanks 1winterfirefly for the banner. I'm sorry that this chapter was uneventful, but right now, this is the best I can do. Anyways, vote, like or comment.  


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