Chap 5. Prayer Answered?

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I met the Prince at the court yard at sunrise the next day. He was wearing the same outfit as yesterday, except this time it's in indigo. "Well? Hurry up! We don't have all day!" The Prince shouted as he climbed into his horse. There were two pure white horses, which was an EXCELLENT choice given that we were trying NOT to get kidnapped. People in the Empire really needed some sense.

I smoothed the black shinobi shozoko even though it was already skin tight. In my pack that was slung across my back, there was poison, blow gun and darts, shurikens, dried meat, and antidotes for the poison. My katana was in its sheath which was also slung across my back. Hoshi-chan and Airi-chan helped me pack last night and I had to kick them out of my room as they teased me about the Prince. I sighed as I sat on the horse and we both rode off. I hated traveling on horses. The Prince already started up his horse and galloped away. Forcing my horse to gallop as well.

Neither of us spoke as we went into the forrest surrounding the village. I watched him, to see if he was showing outward hostility. So far, his broad shoulders were slouched and his face was a mask of stone. "Make sure to make the client feel comfortable. The more comfortable the client, the more likely they will request you again." Uchida-sensei's filled my head. I scowled. Fine, inner Uchida-sensei. "So... What do you think of going to back to the Empire?" I said awkwardly. He gazed at me as if he was checking to see if I was actually talking. I sighed, it's not the first time someone refused to talk to me.  

"A lower class worker doesn't need to know." He said. He actually spoke? It's a miracle! Wait... That little son of a .... 

"I'm Fujimoto Sakura." I said swallowing my storm of criticism and profanities . "What can I call you, your Royal Imperial Prince?" 

He thought for a moment before he said "Prince. Just call me Prince." He gave me a smug smile. I'm really considering feeding him to the wolves. "You must be the weakest ninja around. I mean, I can't believe they let women become ninjas!" He scoffed. I saw red for a moment and counted to five before I answered, "Actually, I'm the best at using the katana in my ninja village."  

"You? Everyone must be pathetic!" He laughed cruelly. I finally exploded from anger. I stopped my horse and shouted. "JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE SOME STUCK UP PRINCE DOES NOT MEAN YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO CRITICIZE MY VILLAGE AND MYSELF!!!!" Before he could respond, I spurred my horse forward, not waiting for him to catch up. I heard his horse galloping to catch up to me. We kept riding like this until the sun almost fell across the horizon. By then, we were still in the forrest.

"We're stoping here for the night." I announced as I jumped off my horse. He did the same and walked to the nearest tree and sat down. "What do you think you're doing?" I asked coldly after I tied his and my horse and watered both of them. 

"Hurry up, I want my food. Unless, of course, you can't hunt." He said arrogantly. I walked up to him and leaned down and whispered into his ear "If you want food, then help me set up camp. No work, no food." 

"I don't work. Only the lower class work." He said.  

"Fine, then starve and freeze." I said walking away. As he sat there, I disappeared further into the woods to find a suitable place. I found a small clearing with a small spring nearby. Perfect. I went further into the woods and took out my shurikens. It took me a long time to find what I was looking for. There was a large rabbit that could probably feed me and Prince. I curled my lip in disgust, it sucked that I had to take care of him. I took my anger out on the rabbit and killed it with a shuriken to the neck. I took it back to the clearing and set up a fire. As the fire ate away all the dry materials I could find, I cleaned and gutted the rabbit and started roasting it over the fire.

I heard branches crackling next to me and I immediately knew it was Prince. "What took you so long to get my food?" He said complaining. He made a grabbed for the rabbit and I slapped his hand away. "Ow! What was that for?" He asked rubbing his hand.  

"No work, no food." I said.  

"I'm the client and the Prince of the whole Empire. I demand food." He said angrily. I laughed. 

"We're not in the Empire so your words mean nothing." I told him. Maybe I was being a bit harsh, but he deserved it. As soon as the rabbit was done roasting, I grabbed it and hurriedly climbed a slim tall tree. When I reached the point where it was high enough to see me and become unable to reach me, I grinned down at him and removed my mask. And then waved the rabbit teasingly. 

"Hey!" He yelled. "Give me the rabbit!"  

"No! Unless you promise me to help me set up camp an hunt from now on!" I yelled back. 

"Fine! Just give me the food!" He relented. I smiled victoriously and climbed down the tree. He gave me a ghost of a smile as we sat down together and shared the rabbit. After we were done, we extinguished the fire and laid down on the blanket we brought with us and stared at the star filled sky.

"They're pretty aren't they?" I said breaking the silence.  

"Yeah." Prince said. I turned to look at him. He looked like a handsome statue the way the starlight outlined his features in silver.  

"What are you staring at?"he asked amused.  

"N-nothing." I said, glad that he couldn't see that I was blushing.  

 As he fell asleep, I stood up and sat down again on the ground near Prince. I took out my shurikens and listened for the slightest noise that indicated a threat. The Prince looked younger when he was asleep. No arrogant smile or sarcastic comments. He looked more innocent.

When the sun rose over the horizon, I decided to wake Prince up. I tried shaking him awake, but he wouldn't wake up. I sighed. This guy was one heavy sleeper, probably because you can wake up anytime you want when you're the Prince. I used my last resort to waking someone up. I kicked him in the back. "Wha?" He said as he stretched towards the sky. His hair covered in grass. "Hurry up and change near the spring. I'll get some food. We'll be leaving in an hour." I ordered. He shrugged and went to the direction of the spring. That idiot forgot his clothes. I grabbed a random set of clothes and threw it at him. "Hey! That's silk!" He complained.  

"Oh shut it." I snapped, slightly grouchy because I didn't get any sleep last night. "Feisty." He said. I turned away and tried to find some breakfast.

When I came back to the clearing with a armful of berries, Prince wasn't there. Oh gosh! I dropped the berries and yelled for Prince. I ran towards the spring and ran into someone's chest. I immediately thought it was a threat and punched it. He groaned and I recognized it. It was Prince! I mentally slapped myself, why do I always hurt my client in an unintentional way?

"You're fault." I said, preserving my pride. There was no way that I was going to admit that it was actually my fault.

"It was yours." He said amused.  

"I'm a trained ninja remember. I was trained for combat while you were trained for being a target." 

"What ever. But you are pretty weak." He said smugly. 

"Says the person who's not getting breakfast." I sang as I turned around  and made a mad dash to the berries. He started chasing me with a sure smile that he'll win. I smirked, who would have thought I actually enjoy this mission.

Dear readers, 

Hello! Well anyways, this was my first "making friends with accidental abusive person" Chapter. I think it worked out well :3 so yah. I hoped you liked this chapter. I'll try to post another next week. 


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