They meet your parents/family

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He was absolutely exited when you asked if he wanted to meet your family. He almost started bouncing up and down from how exited he was. He helped you set up a date and time that worked with your schedules, while being ecstatic that he could meet them. When the day came he was nervous but tried to hide it by smiling wide and holding your hand so tight that you thought it was going to crush your hand. Your parents were happy that you had finaly found a boyfriend, a cute one according to your mother, but were nervous about him being a baseball star. They didn't want him to make any scandals while with you. But by the end of the night Leon had gained their trust and acceptance.

He was scared when you brought up meeting your family, because he's the ultimate biker gang leader, he doesn't have a very good track record and he didn't want your parents to not like him because of that fact. But you calmed him down and said that your parents already knew about what he does and that their somewhat okay with it, your dad mostly. When he was around them he was a lot quieter then normal. Your parents liked him, your mother not so much.

You didn't live with your parents, you lived in an apartment downtown with your 3 little brothers. Your parents weren't great people and as soon as you turned 16 they left your brothers in your hands. Taka knew this and tried to help you as much as he could, but you didn't let him. But he offered to babysit your brothers one night because you had to work and didn't have time to find a babysitter. He spent the night with them and the boys seemed to have a good time.

He was scared at first because you came from a rich family and he was well him. You were nervous too because your parents are very appearance based and judgemental towards people who are "lesser" than them. He didn't want to go at first, within reason. A lot of people, even in the movie industry were scared, nervous or they just didn't like your family. The two of you ended up not going and went to a cheap restaurant instead.

He was pretty happy when you brought it up but he was also nervous because he knew he could be a little off and he didn't want to scare your parents off or weird them out. You told him that your parents are very open and supportive of people with mental health problems, and that calmed his nerves a lot. When he went to your house your parents were very considerate about how Nagito was responding to things and made sure he was comfortable. In the end your parents really like him.

You only live with your dad because he divorced your mom after she cheated sooo. Yeah he already knows who he is.

Because he's a part of a big time mafia type clan, the two of you decided that your parents didn't need to meet him. The fact that you weren't close with your parents helped with that decision.

He was extremely nervous because he didn't really understand social ques or people in general, and he didn't want your parents to think lower of him or your relationship. When he got to where you were meeting he was attached to your side and wouldn't leave your side due to how nervous and scared he was. He also found out that you have two moms, which he didn't know about. Your mom loved him and his little hamsters, your mother liked him, not as much as your mom, but he approved of him.

He was ecstatic over meeting your parents. He was super sweet, tried his best too keep his voice at and inside level. He tried his hardest to impress your parents(in a good way) and he also held your hand the entire time and complemented you most of the time. Your parents were sort of weary of him at first but they ended up falling for him due to his charismatic personality and how likeable he was.

Your parents live in a different country sooo. You video called them tho. They liked him, kinda thought thought was weird but overall they liked him.

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