His hobby

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He's convinced that he's a g o d at playing the guitar. And he definitely knows at least one Imagine Dragons album by heart. He also collects guitars and other pretty instruments or music related things so he has albums, artists merch, guitars, picks, etc scattered around his house.


He went to anger management once and he was told that he should try out puzzles to calm down, turns out it works for him pretty damn well because now he dedicates an entire hour a day to doing a jigsaw puzzle. He's got a whole closet dedicated to them now.


He recently started getting into roller skating, he's not super great at it but he's got the basics down, usually he's skating down a street, not really able to keep his balance so he ends up running into poles, walls and other people.


He used to not have any hobbies.like at all. Bro was hobby-less. But he then started baking with you once on a date and now he's really into baking. He's baking cookies constantly, bringing a batch to every class he's in and they are absolutely amazing.


He's big into collecting random things he finds on the ground. He's got a whole wall dedicated to random shit he's found, coins, signs,cool rocks, pieces of metal etc. He calls himself the garbage man and he's proud of that title.


Bullying kids on video games. He loves hearing little 9 year old John in Arkansas try and insult him on Call of duty. It's the highlight of his week, sometimes he'll get the kids so riled up the kids will bring in their parents and he'll bully them too.


He'll say that he doesn't have any hobbies but in reality he's just insecure that his hobby is creative writing. Its the only way he can express his feelings in a way he's not completely disgusted by and occasionally he will show other people if they ask. (Hes also totally gotten bored and written fanfiction including his friends but he'll never admit it)


Poor boy really wants to be good at painting and in a weird way he is, he can do super hyper-realistic portraits but he hasn't quite discovered his own personal style so he doesn't like doing anything that's not super realistic.


His mom used to have a little garden but after she got sick she stopped taking care of it as much so he started gardening and taking care of it for her, and now he really enjoys it and has a garden of his own. He's got all sorts of veggies and fruits and a huge assortment of flowers. His personal favorite plant he has is the big rosebush he's got in the center of his garden.


Of course his hobby is working out, but his favorite way of working out is going on hikes. He loves to wake up stupidly early in the morning just to go on a hike and see the sun rise. He obviously makes a stupid superhero pose when he watches it because he thinks it makes him look cool.

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