Chapter 6: The Funeral

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September 22nd, 1993

Dear Diary,

I'm going steady. It's really awesome, not at all too rock and roll. Lately we've bumped off two of our classmates, God have mercy on our souls. Rob would've been 21 this weekend, Erik would've been at the end of next month. They still had room to grow. I know I said they could never change, but let's be honest, now we'll never know now.

"Veronica?" Trevor asked as she sat on her bed, her diary open next to her as she stared outside.

Veronica didn't answer, and just kept looking outside.

Trevor walked in front of her, kneeling down, "C'mon, Veronica. We have to go. Even if you don't want to." He sighed.

"We killed them." Veronica murmured, "I feel guilty going to their funeral."

"Did you go to Heather's? What about those two guys?" Trevor asked.

"Unfortunately." Veronica sighed.

"How did you get through that?" He asked her.

"JD would hold me close whenever I started to cry or shake." She said.

"That's what I'll do." He said, "And, I'll even take you to 7-11 afterwards, I know you like slurpees."

Veronica smiled softly and nodded, "You always try to make me feel better." She said softly.

"I love you, that's what I'm here for." He said, "Now, c'mon, let's go."

Veronica nodded and stood with Trevor, holding his hands. He kissed her head before they left her room and walked into the living room to see Vivian getting ready to leave. Yes, she was guilty for Rob and Erik's deaths, but she felt even guiltier for how she was making her best friend feel. Vivian hadn't stopped crying since his death, after all he was her boyfriend, no matter how much of an asshole he was to Veronica and other girls.

Veronica looked at Trevor, nodding for him to leave so she could talk to her. He sighed softly and kissed her gently before leaving. Veronica watched him go, sighing before walking to Vivian. She reached out, putting a hand on her shoulder, "Viv?" She asked, limping next to her.

"What, Veronica?" Vivian asked.

"I wanted to see if you wanted to talk?" Veronica asked.

"Would you want to talk if your boyfriend killed himself!?" Vivian asked.

Veronica sighed, "No, but it would help."

"Veronica! You don't get it! You will never understand this pain! Trevor's fine, he doesn't have issues like Rob and Erik did, apparently! Not everyone gets a perfect boyfriend, some people get mediocre ones who can be assholes but at the end of the day, they're still a person and they treat you well! I loved him! So, don't come to me and ask if I need to talk about it and then say you understand! Cause, you don't! You never will understand!" Vivian snapped.

Those words hurt. Veronica knew all too well how this feeling was, but she never wanted anyone in her new life to know. It took courage to say this, but Veronica managed to mutter out a few words, "Y-You're right. I'm sorry." She said softly.

Veronica stepped away, looking down, "See you later." She said softly before going to find Trevor. As she walked down the stairs, tears filled her eyes. She knew all too well, yet she couldnt tell anyone about it. Trevor saw her as he leaned against her car and she walked out, worry filling his eyes. He grabbed her hand, wrapping his arms around her as she turned her back to him, "What's wrong?" He asked.

"She said I wouldn't understand how it is to have my boyfriend kill himself." Veronica said, softly.

Trevor sighed, "Did you tell her?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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