Michael Clifford

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"I'm just tryna make it back home by Monday mornin'. I swear I wish somebody would tell me. Cause that's all I want." You sang into the microphone. After that you turned the camera off so you could go edit. You're a YouTuber, You post covers of you singing mostly. Sometimes you might upload a challenge video or a tag video here and there.

"That's was perfect, as always baby girl." you turned around to see your boyfriend, Michael, standing in the door way.

"Thank you, I try my best." You turned back around to finish what I was doing. As you started editing you felt Michael wrap his arms around you and kiss your forehead.

"Baby, can't you edit later?" he whined.

"No, I have to get this up today." You replied sternly.

"Ugh fine." Michael let go of you and left. You knew he was probably pouting in another room. You finished editing, which took about an hour, then uploaded it. After posting about it on almost every social media website you had, you went to find him

You walked into the living room to see Mikey on the couch with his arms crossed and and upset look on his face. You sat beside him and wrapped your arms around him. You could tell he was trying to ignore you.You tried everything to get his attention, but nothing worked. So you got up and walked out of the room. After about 5 minuted you returned singing 'Rejects' at the top of your lunges. You flopped down on the couch beside him and continued singing. You could tell he was trying not to laugh. Still singing, you dramatically layed across his lap.

"MY TEACHER SAID I WAS MENTALLY DISABLED, SO UNSTABLE. SO I'D STAY IN BED ALL DAY! SAVE YOUR BREATH, YOU COULD TALK AT ME BUT I'M NOT LISTENING, IF THIS A TEST, THEN I'M PROBABLY FAILING!!" Michael couldn't hold it anymore, he finally gave in and let himself smile. You stopped singing and started giggling.

"Sometimes, I wish you weren't so freaking adorable. Because then, I might actually be able to stay mad at you." He smiled. You sat up and wrapped your legs around Michael's waist while placing a soft kiss on his lips.

"Even if I wasn't this adorable you still couldn't stay mad at me..." You smirked. Michael just shook his head. You got off of his lap so you could go check on your video. You started to walk off, but you stopped and turned back to him with a smile.

"Don't do it again." He laughed.

"Too late." you whispered. "WHAT WAS I THINKING? EVERYONE SEES IT. ITS NOT A SECRET THAT I'M JUST A REJECT." you sang as you ran up the stairs. Michael just sat on the couch shaking his head and thinking about how cute you are.

A/N::: Okay, I'm sorry that this one sucked nut. Can you guys like, give me feedback or something. What do you think of my imagines?? ^.^

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