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(A/N i am planing on writing a larry fanfiction reccomendation book so yea tell me if you have some nice stories you wanna add in that too, love A xxxxx)


now all we had to do was to wait for the potential assistant of Mr harry styles......

I woke up with a loud bang on my door...

"oiiiii tommooo wakkee uuppp bittchh we are going shopping" yelled the Irish leprechaun


"Your choice but don't yell at me when you find your favorite jersey that Ronaldo has signed on fire" Niall threatened

" you wouldn't fucking dare to even touch it" I said hoping that he won't I most probably knew he wouldn't but that food monster could do anything.

"Ohh yeah ,watch me Tommo" he said and stomped his feet down. I get out in fear of getting my favorite jersey burned. i pull out some sweats and run at the kitchen

"oh didn't expect you to be down this early" niall said smirking a little " go have a bath and come down on 30 will be waiting babe" the old sod said

"I . AM . NOT . YOURH . BABE . PERIODOIT ." I say and go to my room to get dressed knowing i have no option other than going shopping with that Irish leprechaun. i go in the bathroom and start bathing quickly. when i get out i start rummaging through my closet and finally after 10 minutes of internal war on what to wear i decided on my rugged black skinny jeans and a plain black tank top and some vans. i decided to start my hair normal today but still not too much of gel or spray like its natural fringe.

i get down to the living room trying to find a blonde bloke sitting there but didn't find one, so i guess he might be in the car waiting for me. as i oped the main gate of the building niall appears in front of the gate in his car.

"get in loser we are going shopping" he says, i get in buckle myself up and the say

"god please remind me never to let him watch mean girls again anytime soon while i am alive" i say fake frowning....  as we both started to laugh

"shut it! you know you love me louuuuuuu" niall says in a baby voice pulling me in a side hug

"get off me you bread loaf! and no i don't love you, i just love myself" i sass flicking my non existent long hair

"what if i said i will buy you 5 packets of lucky charms ehh"

"well............ maybe i love you a little" i say "now chop chop drive fast this beauty has a place to be at in 2 hours... moreover work" i say and niall drives with a 'ayee ayee captain'. after a short drive we reach target around the curb. niall grabbed a trolley and i grabbed one, we both knowing one trolley wouldn't be enough for us too because we rarely (extreme emphasis on rarely) cook food like we both are just a disaster in cooking. so we rather not cook than to put our whole flat on fire.

we get in the grocery shop and start looking through aisles ananlyzing what do i need. first i stop at the candy's section trying to choose between gummy bears or gummy worms. i decided on gummy bears as bears were cute.. while worms were wiggly and- ew ew ew.... so next i went through the chips section as i needed a lot of chips because i wake up mostly every night craving a midnight snack so yea i decided on a bag of taki's , a bag of hot Cheetos some normal lays and just a few packets here and there.

i started to walk towards the beverage section where i spotted a similar pair of curls that had me like a tomato a few days before.....yessss he wass thatt guy from starbucks..um...Mr. Curls yea yea..i was walking towards him when he was trying to pic the strawberry flavored shake which was at the bottom of all the drinks leading to the scattering of all well arranged drinks in the cooler.

"Ahh! Fuck me!!" the taller lad cursed and threw his hands in air and me being the sassy shit that i am decided to say

"i would love to Mr Culry, if you please... so your place or mine?" i wink at him while a big smirk displaying on my face.

the blue eyes meet green and it seemed like the world stpoed revolvig for a second and time stopped we both just so lost in each others eyes.both blushing a littile

"and what would be the name of the diva that is so eager to fuck me be?ehh Mr. Sass? and for a matter of fact you look like you are the one here who likes it up the ass love not me" he says cockily but in a cute way even if this person said i will kill you i would find it cute like everything he says or does is absolutely "ama-zayn" ( A/N  you see what i did there)

" as much as i would love the name Mr Sass but i would still like me to call myself louis"

"Harry" he says ahhhhhh even his name is perfect how can it not be have you looked at him like he is just apeice of art fully sculpted with pure perfection.


Mr. Sass & Mr. Curls - LARRY STYLINSONWhere stories live. Discover now