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(A/N Heyyyy loveliesssss<33 so actually i have my exams till next 2 weeks or so that's why i wasn't able to update much..but.........OUR STORY HAS REACED 100 READERSSSS AAAAAAAAAAHHHH)

and i also wanted to give you guys a quick update on a news i just found out so, we all know the infamous harry and kendall's spill or fill guts right? so if you now try to find it on YouTube it says 'video unavailable' for some mysterious reason like why?!?!?!(ps: i just loved that whole episode sooo much)




After the whole Kendall incident at office i am trying to avoid going there as much as possible. i know its my office and i am the CEO but its just i dunno a little awkward as you might say. the word of a multimillionaire firing his assistant because ''Harry styles the CEO of Styles & Co tried to touch his personal assistant and to convince her in his bed but when she said no he got angry and out of his narcissism fired the poor girl who was just doing the right thing'' that is what exactly the tabloids say.

yeah obviously I know all of that bullshit isn't true even one percent, in fact it was the total opposite of the situation she told everyone. My close friends and family knows that i am not that kind of a person and wouldn't dare to touch a person without consent.everyone knows that my mother has raised me and my sister well not disrespect someones choices and choices include sexual ones too. and to be honest i give zero fucks about what that whore Kendall and the 'society' thinks of me anymore.

i walk down the white marble stairs just woken from a nap you would call it. yes i didn't sleep all night, i just couldn't okay... so after taking what i say extra dose (not intentionally) of sleeping pills finally i slept for a good 5 hours. when reached my kitchen tried to open my fridge and rummage through the dishes available. actually there was nothing suitable here according to my choice, because i was usually not at home i was mostly at office. This house starts to feel a little lonely when you and some servants which you never talk to live together.

after seeing the extinct supply of food in my fridge i decided to go grocery shopping and maybe grab lunch on my way to there.its been ages since I've gone grocery shopping. i always used to go grocery shopping with my mum when i was younger and she would always let me push the cart around.i sometimes miss being the old younger me free, energetic , joyful....

i grab the key for my  G-Wagon and start to head towards the garage. i get comfortable in the car and start to drive......i don't know what i was thinking but i suddenly snap outta my thought sby the phone ringing in my pocket i think i would answer it once i rec the store.

i finally arrive at target supermarket. i park my baby car safely( yes he is a baby she is just a week old i bought her with another set of FERRARI'S) i get the cart and strut in the shop. as i don't have a certain fixed 'grocery list' i walk down all the food aisles i grab some chocolate s, candies, broccoli,avocado,apples,oranges,kiwi,lettuce and some salad dressing. i grab some coffee packet too.

i hear my phone going off i spice through my lock screen and its my Gemma calling.. my younger sister

"Hey big bro sup?" Gems asks. she is not that younger tan me just 2 years. we have the greatest brother-sister bond you could ask for. Always bickering about each other. ready to rip each other head off on the smallest topic you could think of like a remote or whose favorite dish will be made for dinner.and we even could murder a person if someone messes with the other sibling.

"Nothing gems just shopping for some groceries was at home this week u know social media gets a little overwhelming sometime ya know"

"i know hazy but hey, don't let it all get to you we all know its just a matter of bullshit. and you only told me not to rip that bitch's head out i was gonna do it"

"gems!! no you know i wouldn't let you do that! can't live without my absurd annoying sis now can we?" i say trying to lighten up both our moods

"Hazz i am gonna pretend like i didn't understand you trying to lighten up the mood and come to the main reason i am calling you right now, so u know i went to the Gucci modeling campaign right , so there i met the CEO of Ralph Lauren and they offered me internship as his personal assistant!!!!!" Gemma says through the phone but i could feel her happiness. she was genuinely happy

"Omg! gems i am so happy for you!" i say

"Yes big bro, now i gotta go Noah is waiting for me so that we could go on the celebratory dinner, i will see you soon big bro i love you so much don't let the media overwhelm you kay?you are the kindest one out there"

"thanks gems i surely needed that now chop chop we don't want Noah waiting now do we" i say smirk hinting my voice.after our 'goodbyes' i decided that i didn't get something to drink.

 i decided on some champagne ,almond milk, Dr. pepper and some strawberry milkshakes. i found everything in a matter of seconds except the milkshake. after what i think half an hour of finding it , i found it at the bottom of all the milkshakes. i lean down to grab it and me begin the super crazy clumsy ass that i am tripped the whole pile of milkshakes down with a loud thud.

"Ahh! Fuck me!"

"I would love to Mr. Curly if you please.....so your place or mine" i could hear the smirk in his voice ...a voice speaks which i expect seems from behind my back. i find this voice i little familiar. i turn around to see who was the face behind that voice.. i see someone who i totally didn't expect to meet...that small boy with cheekbones and the bluest eyes.

the next second our eyes meet...blue meets green...it seems like the world stopped revolving for that time, the time stopped and it was just us staring deep inside achother's soul.

"And what would be the name of the diva that is so eager to fuck me be? Ehh Mr. Sass?and for a matter of fact you look like you are the one here who likes it up the ass love not me" i say cockily like really this small boy thinks he would be a top nahhh he doesn't seem like it he is too pretty than intimidating to be a top. he seems like a power bottom screaming my name while i fuck his brains out , him moaning my name- HARRY EDWARD STYLES WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE THINKING?! i push that thought away. when he says

"As much as i would love the name Mr. Sass i would still like to call me Louis" L-O-U-I-S i think Louis his name is even prettier how am i supposed to not coo at the pettie boy standing in front of me. he is soooo small still of full of sass... not that i am complaining 

"Harry" I say not wanting him to change his behavior when he hears my last name HARRY STYLES the owner of the one and only styles & co which not to mention is the most succeeding company.he still wanted the boy to see him as harry just harry not the harry styles he is in front of all these people.


yeppppp i think louis as a bottom dontt killll meee plss<<<<333

Love, A xxx

Mr. Sass & Mr. Curls - LARRY STYLINSONWhere stories live. Discover now