Getting Ready, POV:Hayden

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I picked up my makeup brush and gently pressed it against the packed eyeshadow powder. Then pressed it to my eyelid, making a gentle swaying motion with the bristles. "Berry, I really don't have a good feeling about this." I admitted, looking at my bestie of two years. "It will be fine, just a few hours." Berry reassured- slipping the black coat of their suit on and buttoning it. I shook my head, "Whatever you say!" My brushed clanked against my vanity as I put it down. Spinning in my seat to look at Berry, the person I was taking with me. We forced eachother to go with the other, it was a rule.

They lifted me out of my seat, "Are you ready to go?" Berry asked, a slight tilt to their head. "Sure." I plucked my bag off my bed and ushered Berry to my moms car. Berry opened the door, "Ladies first." They said sarcastically, "Yeah yeah..." I rolled my eyes and hopped in- Berry jumped in the back, poking their head between the seats as we started driving to the school. Berry talked loudly in my ear, making me go deaf. I leaned back in the passenger seat, listening to Berry ramble about their friends going.

The car began slowly coming to a stop in front of the school as Berry came around and helped me out of the car due to me not being used to having heels on my feet. We stepped through the doors and began walking to the doors, until I tripped myself. Noah watched me from the gym, as he shook his head in disappointment but yet... I still had that feeling in my stomach, something is going to happen.

Once Berry had helped me off the ground, we finally walked into the gym. "You two look nice!" We heard a familiar voice from the huge group of people, I had too much anxiety to realize who the voice belonged to. But then my eyes came across Chloe as I ran to hug them, holding them tightly. "I'm so glad to see you here!" Chloe exclaimed, I finally got to examine their outfit. Similar to Berry's, they had a tuxedo on with the tie fixed to their neck.

Berry was already off talking to people, due to being an introvert, I decided to stay with Chloe. The music started to blast as the lights dimmed, the disco lights replacing our gyms regular bland light. The room was hot, practically melting me, I felt like I was going to have a panic attack. The bad feeling I had before this is getting worse, my breathing quickening as Chloe looked at me with concern, "Let's find you a place to sit." They threw my arm around their shoulder and led me to a fold out chair off to the side.

"What's wrong" Chloe wetted a paper towel and placed it on my forehead, "Something is going to happen.." Then I heard it.

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