Who, POV:Berry

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This was horrible.

How would this happen, who would do this?.. Killing two innocent kids that hadn't done anything. I sat with my back against the wall, To be honest.. being under the bleachers gave all of us comfort. My head turned to the side to see Chloe that had to comfort Hayden ever since she got the news Neveah died. I looked at the other side of me to see Madden, Mati, Noah, Jason, Chrystina, and Phoebe. Ethan Sherman crawled under the bleachers with us, I can see why- It was rather calm under there besides Hayden sobbing.

Mati slid down beside me, "Are you okay?" She asked, "Hm? Oh.. yeah I'm fine." She stared, not believing a single word I was saying. "Well... watching people die isn't my cup of tea." I said, cradling my legs in my arms. "I know how that feels." Mati laughed nervous, still the mood had not been lightened. I leaned my head over and shut my eyes.

Suddenly loud gunfire came from the ceilings, I covered by ears and collapsed to the ground, shaking violently. Flashbacks from when I was in a coma appeared in front of me. The gunshots, screams, it was chaos. Bullets bounced off the bleachers, only a few slipped through and went through the wall behind me. Hayden quickly made her way to me and hugged me tightly to comfort me. Chloe was still attached to her side.

The bullets slowly came to a stop as a few robotic sounds came from the ceiling, then the doors that concealed the guns shut. The people behind the bleachers were breathing heavily, Madden glanced at Noah and Jason, beginning to walk out, he followed them. Chloe and Hayden both decided to sit down and take a breather. Although I noticed something- a hole was in the wall! That was my time to get a look out there! I waddled over to the hole and peeked one eye into it, being greeted with a window. It was dark, for sure our parents would be concerned.

Long story short, they weren't.

Whoever was doing this came over the announcement system and told us something that will changed our lives forever, "Good Evening remaining students, I have sent an email out to all of your parents letting them know they will never see you again! Goodbye and have a great dance." It cut off after a chuckle. "Imsorrywhat" Chloe shook their head and pinched themselves to see if this is real.

I finally built the metaphorical balls to look out at the bloodbath. Bodies were laid across the ground with multiple holes through their bodies. My body immediately shivered and collapsed, my pants legs soaking up the deep red liquid. My arm and head made contact with the floor, a thud coming from me.

My vision went black

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