"why is he here..."
I can't believe this, this can't be happening. The one person I tried to avoid for the rest of my life was in the cafeteria.
"tsumu please talk to me" osamu said, chasing me
I run as fast as I could to a near by class room that was open, I sprinted over there and when I got in the class room I shut the door and locking it. I look around and found no one is at the class room, thank god.
"tsumu... please ... I'm sorry, talk to me please"
"don't fuking play with me osamu, you never cared for me in the past or even talked to me why now" I respond, my voice cracking. I can feel a tear drop down.
Okey that is it.
I waited for a couple of minutes, and I heard footsteps coming
"osamu are you okey? What happen?, why did you ran away?"
"dude you good?"
"jesus osamu what the heck??"
Before osamu could say anything Oikawa yelled
"move out of the fuking way" he said, his voice cold and was giving osamu a death glare
Everyone was shoock.
"okey calm down kawa, let's just go and get tsumu okey?" akaashi said, trying to calm Oikawa down and it worked "okey.."
"hey tsumu meet me at English class okey? It starts in about 15 minutes" I heard Oikawa informed me, and with that akaashi and Oikawa left.
"tsumu..if your ready, talk to me okey" osamu said before leaving with his friends, I can hear the footsteps fading and I let out my breath that I didn't even know I've been holding
It's the last class of the day and I was about to head out and get some coffee cause I'm dying without coffee.
And also meet up with ken ken, yams, kawa and kashi
We also talked about moving to the dorms at our collage cause we're all to lazy to drive and cause it's also really convenient cause now we don't need to worry about getting late.
And when I was at English class I couldn't focused cause the event that happened earlier, kawa and kashi comforted me tho so it was good, I guess
As I was walking I wanted to head to the restroom real quick but I heard a weird sound ... yeah I shouldn't probably go in there....but my curiosity got the best of me
I open the door slowly and I saw a black curly hair guy with two...dots? on top of his eye brow, I can't really tell and fyi he was tall as fuck and ... there's seems to be a random dude.
yup they are, well .. "we're" making out cause I just made eye contact with the black curly guy, yeah I'm dead
who am I kidding, I didn't know that there's somebody in there making out I thought the weird sound was someone smoking weed or sum
but this. This was unexpected
Before he can say anything I ran
I didn't even realised that I dropped something.
"osamu's twin huh, this is going to be interesting."
eyyyy new chapter <333

between us [sakuatsu and others]
Fanfictionsakusa kiyoomi, iwaizumi hajime, kuroo tetsuro, bokuto koutaro and tsukishima kei, the players of the school and also the popular guys at collage, famous for their looks and midnights activities from one night stands to many broken hearted guys/girl...