It's been about a week since me and my friends moved into our dorms
Tough to say it was really awkward for me, personally. But I think my friends definitely is not doing any better
When we moved in sakusa and iwaizumi had already pick they're own rooms and for some reason they didn't pick the room that was next to each other
I thought they we're like bestie that can't be apart 24/7 :/
We rarely see each other cause they would always come back at like 4am in the morning with either a bruises or hickey.
But we do see each other for breakfast or In some class
And breakfast was really ... silence
I haven't talk to my brother even though he text me from time to time, just to check in but I rarely replies his text, i know I can't ignore him forever
But I'm just not ready yet
"hey tsumubae snap out of it" and with that I snapped out of my thoughts
"sorry, uhh what did you say?"
"I was saying that we should go to a bar" kawa said randomly, but I could see the sparkles In his eyes
"that's weird, why so suddenly?"
"cause my boyfriend is going to be there, he is in a band remember?"
Why would I remember
"tch, and you want me to accompany you I guess"
"ding ding ding"
"no kawa I can't kawa WE have a test due to tomorrow" I said rolling my eyes, ugh when is the bell going to ring, I'm tired as fuck
"yeahh I know but I promise you that we wouldn't be there long, pleaseeee tsumu"
"ugh fine, but if I say we should go back, we go back. Got it?"
Tring tring tring
I put all of my stuff inside my backpack and was about to head out first but a voice stopped me
"tsumu" my brother say
"what do you want."
"you know you can't ignore me forever right"
I sigh "I know"
"tsumu please can we just talk? You can bring your friends if you don't feel comfortable being with me"
I turn around to look at my brother who had desperate eyes
" ... okey osamu, let's talk." I said coldly
His eye's lit up "thankyou thankyou sumu, I'll see you tomorrow" and with that I just nod
Yeah, I can't keep ignoring him
But I really need to sleep right now
As I was walking someone called me
"hey miya, wait up" I turn around to see sakusa
"have anything to say sakua?"
"em no, not really just wanted to talk to you"
"ahh I see"
"where are you going anyway?"
"back to our dorm"
"we should go back together miya"
"sure sakusa, and also drop the miya use atsumu"
"sure atsumu, you should drop the sakusa as well"
"and why is that?"
"cause ... I don't know, I just wanna hear you say it"
What's with him ..
"suree kiyoomi kun"
He then stop walking and I stop walking too
"uhh why did you stop?" he's ears are red .. that's odd
"nothing ... let's go miya" he then walks faster
"hey wait up and I told you drop the miya"
"never miya" and both him and I chuckled
Sorry I haven't been posting ;(
School has gotten the best of me
But I promise I'll upload and also don't forget to vote <333 cause it really helps
Anywayss again I'm so sorry

between us [sakuatsu and others]
Fanfictionsakusa kiyoomi, iwaizumi hajime, kuroo tetsuro, bokuto koutaro and tsukishima kei, the players of the school and also the popular guys at collage, famous for their looks and midnights activities from one night stands to many broken hearted guys/girl...