2: The "City"

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TRIGGER WARNING// Violence, swear words that have been censored


My whole body is floating in the middle of warm water, currents from nowhere rushing near my ears. Am I sinking? Or floating? I don't know but this isn't important now. I wish I will be here for eternity, absolute silence and nothing to worry about. Huh? What was I thinking? Why did I think that way? There's so many questions I want to ask, but I can't speak. Oxygen is running low, I have to go back to the surface unfortunately... Ah, fresh air. Eh? What is this-? Huh- Blood? Oh yeah, I'm dead. I'm used to this smell but this is still too much for my liking. My body is still here huh, lying in the middle of the road, with people screaming with disgust just by looking at my broken body. I wish the music will continue forever though, so calming yet scary in the same way. I wish I brought my phone to this world aswell. Eh-? ¿ǝɹoɟǝq sɯɐǝɹp ɟo pǝɹɐɔs noʎ ʇu,ǝɹǝM


Waking up with her neck and back aching, her throat dry as a desert for not drinking for multiple hours. Rushing to the nearby river for a drink and a splash of ice-cold water in the face always wakes her up. Sliding back the rusty knife inside her dirty tunic for safe-keeping. The road towards the city wasn't that hard at all, not much steep roads nor dangerous, also lacking bits of wilderness compared to the forest a few miles back. It took her much faster than expected to get to the "city".

Grey concrete houses and buildings looming above her, further view being blocked by an absolutely massive wall she never saw before in her life, taller than any building nearby. It was a titan out compared to any other skyscraper. Carefully walking through the thin streets, observing more about the nearby surroundings. Indeed as the old couple said, there are lots of shady people lurking around town, all houses seeming to be long-since repaired. The safety also seeming to be full of chaos, unknown sounds ringing from all directions, police that were originally in her world nowhere to be found. Muddy litter all around the place, strangers with eerie eyes staring at her from any place possible, plunging daggers of suspicion into her frail-looking body. Shuddering a little from this unfamiliar phenomenon, while continuing to wander across the maze of streets and alleys. The sound of squelching dirt creating a small echo against the fragile walls, attracting both people and unknown creatures nearby, rats scurrying across the street, the pests fleeing from some ruckus in an alley a few blocks away.

Curiosity is a very normal feeling, the girl naturally turned towards that place , an all too familiar sight meeting her eyes. A small crowd of muscular thugs surrounding a cloaked individual. Of course, the 'gang' as she would call them, must be up to no good to mug people in this place of all places to exist. She stood against a corner where they couldn't spot her, due to her light-themed and rather beautiful appearance. Normal citizens here would supposedly just totter off ,minding their own business, but nay, the girl had to get herself involved in this crap. A little spice of action isn't that harmful right?

"Yo, whatcha doin here little guy?" The leader said.

The cloaked individual knowing they were cornered, slowly stopped to walk backwards, accepting the fate that there was nowhere to escape. They still didn't answer the question though, and it was obvious that the leader was annoyed by this.

"I wouldn't say more kiddo, you well know you have stepped into others territories. I have a small proposal, hand over all your valuables, and you can go away scot free... There would be no loss for both of us that way innit? Or you could do this the hard way... your choice."

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