Chapter 3

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(Sorry for the delayed update. I will post two chapters on my next post day. Enjoy my darlings)

He actually was able to make it to class without trouble… and when he entered the classroom he knew why. The male from earlier was being forced to stand in front of the class as the teacher was introducing himself.

"Now why don't you introduce yourself.." "Fine if I must." The male looked over the other students. "My name is Atemu Phoenix. I'm a fire raven. Stay out of my way and I will make sure you don't get burned by my flames." He didn't say anymore as everyone was shivering in their seats. 

Even the teacher had to hold back a shutter as she looked around for an empty seat to place Atemu. Unfortunately for all the desperate students most of the seats were filled… minus the four that were surrounding Yugi. No one wanted to be close to the Soiled Dove believing that if they got close they would get bad luck or be 'forced’ to do unspeakable things with him.

Yugi looks down quickly from the teacher’s glare. "Unfortunately the only seats are by… Yugi Motou." Her voice was cold and cruel.

Yugi flinches and hides behind his wings. The male's eyes narrowed at the teacher. "Do you always talk down about others in such a tone? You say his name as if it were a curse…I've also heard several rumors about this particular individual... However, I have yet to see any solid facts proving your cruelty is even justified. You're all fucking hypocrites." 

Yugi looks at Atemu in shock. He was standing up for him?! The male then moved to sit in the desk behind Yugi, who was the last in the back middle row, as he took out his book and notepad. “How about instead of gawking at me you do your fucking job... Or shall I inform my uncle, the chairman of this school might I add… that his teachers are nothing but scumbags who put on a pretty face but instead treat their students cruelly." 

The teacher quickly moved to the front of the room and with a shaky voice told them which page to turn to in their books.

Still shocked, Yugi slowly turned to look at the male, Atemu. He was looking down at his paper doodling boredly as he had already finished the assignment. He didn't even know why his father wanted him to do this….

’You will be going to public school until you find a proper mate and give your mother and I some grandbabies.'

Atemu wanted to let his head smack the desk. His father Akeio and his mother Adia Phoenix were both super ultra rare hybrids. His father was a fire phoenix while his mother was a shadow raven… yet despite their royal blood heritage they behaved no different than overly happy children most times, leaving their one and only son to act like he was the oldest of the group... It was quite annoying at times.  

He then felt a pair of eyes on him. "What do you want?" He asked coldly.

Yugi swallows hard. “Thank you..” he whispers before looking forward. 

This was not what Atemu expected. "No need to thank me… anyone else in the same predicament would have done the same." He said with an even tone.

Yugi shakes his head. “No… no they wouldn’t have.” Atemu frowned to himself as he continued his doodles. At one point, Yugi’s pencil broke and he politely raised his hand to sharpen it or get a new one. However the teacher seemingly was too occupied to help. 

All the other kids turned their noses away whenever Yugi asked for help… 

Atemu had his head on his desk as he dozed his wings covering him against the bright lights in the ceiling.

“A-Atemu?” Yugi asks shyly. “D-do you have a pen or pencil I c-can borrow?” 

Slowly Atemu's wings folded back as a taloned hand held out a pen and a pencil with a sharpener. "Here you can have them. I don't need them. Now let me sleep." 

The Raven and the Dove by Bailey Sparks and Me Bluekitten (a Yugioh story)Where stories live. Discover now