Chapter 7

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(Hey everyone sorry for not posting in awhile. Real life and my YouTube channel have kept me busy lately but I'm happy to give you the last two chapters of the Raven and the Dove. I promise to try and post more frequently since Sparky and I have a lot of stories we have yet to post as well as my own stories I've been working on updating. Now without further ado the second to last chapter. Hope you enjoy my darlings)

"Kinda weird how Raven boy flew off with his tail feathers between his legs.." Bakura said as he drank his soda.

"Well maybe he got scared about the big crowds, Bakura." Yugi said as he got ready to pay with the money Atemu left.

There was way more than enough to cover for the bill. At least $300 dollars was left over after paying the bill and the tip and Joey had made quick work of the food Atemu had left untouched.

"Don't be so mean Kura.... So is everyone still up for going to the arcade?" Ryou asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Ya! Let's go!" Joey barks as his tail wags happily. Sometimes he was the most oblivious and naive of the group sometimes, even more than Yugi.

Yugi nods. "Yeah. It's only a few blocks away. We can walk there." Yugi said, placing the extra money away. He would give the rest back to Atemu tomorrow.

"Why are you tucking that extra money away? Why not use it?" Bakura asked as they all got up and made sure that the table looked somewhat decent before they headed to the door.

"It's not mine to use. I'm going to give the extras back to Atemu." Yugi said, rolling his eyes.

"Don't say anything Bakura. Yugi is just being a responsible boyfriend." Seth said as they walked/flew to the arcade.

Ryou clapped his little paws. "I can't wait. Tea has been helping me with my 'Dance Dance Revolution' dancing. I'm sure to be much faster now." Once inside Ryou happily hopped over and saw that there was no one waiting so he scampered over.

"I'm going to go play some Zombie games." Yugi said waving before flying off to get tokens for him and Ryou.

Bakura and Seth decided to just relax, sit at a table and just watch while Joey went to raid the free snack bar.

However just as Ryou was about to hop on the game he was shoved back. "Watch it, shrimp." A larger female rabbit said as she and her friends, an ewe and another dove moved to the video game. The dove however looked very nervous. She didn't like bullying.

Yugi looks up from his game and frowns. "H-hey! No one calls my friend a s-shrimp." Yugi said, flying up to them.

The female rabbit put her paws on her hips, her beady black eyes glaring at Yugi. "Beat it bird brain. If your little dwarf friend can't handle his own battles then he's not worth defending. It's survival of the fittest. Adora keep this little buzzard busy." She smirks as she picked Ryou up by his ears as he whimpered trying to get free.

"Hey! Let him go!" Yugi screams and moves to fly over to the female rabbit.

"Adora now!" However instead of attacking Yugi, Adora moved to knock Ryou out of her friend's paws. "Please Brenda.... it's not right to pick on smaller hybrids.."

Yugi flew over and helped Ryou up. "Go to Bakura." Yugi whispers. Ryou whimpered and quickly scampered away to Bakura.

A pained cood was heard as Brenda smacked Adora in the face. "I don't even know why we're friends with a pathetic bird like you. Survival of the fittest. Guess that means that we have to let you go. Boys." Immediately two boys, a snake and lizard, smirked at the female dove who closed her eyes accepting her fate.

"S-Stop! Leave her alone.." Yugi said standing up. "Pick on s-someone your own size."

The snake smirked. "Like you!?!" The snake lunged only to be stopped by sharp talons. Familiar crimson and magenta feathers flashed as Yami threw the snake into the wall, his wings flaring up.

"Yami.." Yugi whispers before looking away.

"Get out." Yami hissed as the females and the other male quickly turned tail and ran. Yami's wings slowly folded over. "Are you ok Yugi?" Yami asked as he turned around looking at Yugi with worried yet comforting eyes.

"I'm fine.. thanks." Yugi whispers, rubbing his arm. "But what are you doing here? You never come here."

"Well I had to clear my head... turns out Ami was lying to me.. she had other relationships before me... and I saw her talking with one of her old crushes they were all over each other... I think she's cheating on me." He said as his wings seemed to droop. He looked so heartbroken.

Yugi's eyes widened. "I'm sure she's not Yami. Ami cares so much for you and loves you."

Yami frowned as he looked down. "I don't know.. she's been being so secretive lately..."

Yami sat down on a chair. "I feel like I don't know her anymore..."

Yugi sat next to Yami. "Talk to her, Yami. She was just telling me earlier how much she loves you. Before you... said you weren't my friend.." Yugi whispers, looking away.

Yami looked down. "I didn't mean that Yugi. I was just angry... Atemu isn't a good choice of mate for you."

Yugi frowns. "Atemu says you're using me... he cares for me Yami. I wish you could be happy for me. Everyone else just uses me."

"But what if it's all an act? What if he is lying to you... just to have his own sick gain. I never meant to use you. But Atemu... he has many secrets... I just don't want you to get hurt."

Yugi sighs. "I'll be fine. I think he actually cares about me, Yami. More than to spread a rumor about me."

Yami immediately looked guilty. "Yugi..." "I think it would be best if you just leave." He said as he looked away. He flew away as Yami watched.

Yugi flew to the bathroom and started crying. Yami has been someone he had actually liked a lot... but now he wasn't sure he could even trust him.

He slid against the wall and wrapped himself with his wings as he cried. It hurt to lose Yami but... he just couldn't forgive him for spreading that rumor. He wouldn't care if he hit him but a rumor? That was too much for him.

Slowly the door opened as familiar crimson, black, and dark gold feathers came to view.

Yugi slowly looks up and hiccups. "W-what are you d-doing here?"

Atemu didn't respond as he opened his arms. He had been flying back to the school dorms when he felt a flash of pain.. something deep in his mind refused to let him go anywhere but towards where that pain was... As it turned out the pain he was feeling...was Yugi's pain.

Yugi looks down before slowly flying into Atemu's arms. "I-I want to g-go home."

Atemu held Yugi closer as he teleported to a familiar game shop as he left text for Seth on Yugi's phone.

Atemu sat Yugi on the bed as he sat beside him letting the smaller cry into his chest. No words were exchanged... none needed to be.

After a bit Yugi fell asleep against Atemu's tear-soaked shirt.

Atemu gently lay Yugi down, however he saw Yugi had a death grip on his shirt. With an small sigh he laid beside him and Yugi snuggled into his chest, his white wings laid on Atemu's black ones.

With a smile Atemu kissed Yugi's forehead as he allowed sleep to claim him.

The Raven and the Dove by Bailey Sparks and Me Bluekitten (a Yugioh story)Where stories live. Discover now