Chapter 6

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"So you and Pipsqueak huh? Let's cut the crap. Have you fucked Yugi?" Bakura growled with a glare.

Atemu rolled his eyes. "Calm down pup I haven't been intimate with Yugi yet. Despite what most people might think about ravens I am not going to force myself on someone who's not ready for sex."

Bakura growled and was about to lunge when Seth held him back. "Don't go around starting fights when they don't need to be."

"At least one of you mutts has a brain." At this, Bakura lunged and Atemu took to the air as Bakura snarled and growled.

"Everything's all right?!" Ryou calls when he sees Bakura hit the ground.

"Don't worry little rabbit your wolf is fine... just stupid for charging at a flying creature..." "Come say that to my face you jackass!" Bakura snarls as he once more lunged as Atemu landed only to repeat the same action as before as he hovered his wings keeping him in flight and just out of the livid wolf's reach.

Yugi sighs. "Ryou Bakura is at it again." He giggles. Ryou sighed and hopped over, placing his small white paws on Bakura's muzzle and he kissed him softly. "Kura please. Stop fighting... for me?" He asked, his soft brown eyes twinkling. Bakura huffed at Atemu but calmed down under Ryou's touch.

"He's still a jackass." Bakura muttered as he pulled Ryou close. "Watch your step, birdbrain. Hurt Yugi and you'll wish you never hatched..."

Atemu landed behind Yugi, his hands resting on his hips. "Empty threats don't scare me mutt."

Joey whined as Atemu said this thinking it was towards him. Seth nuzzles Joey. "He's talking to Bakura, not you Puppy. It's ok."

Joey's ears perked as he wagged his tail nuzzling Seth back.

"Why don't we all go grab a bite to eat at Burger world before the arcade?" Ryou asked with a sweatdrop. The tension between the predators was so thick you could cut it.

Yugi nods. "Sure. I'm hungry and missed lunch."

"Bet it was birdbrain's doing." Bakura muttered as he glared at Atemu who casually flipped him off as his wing tips brushed Yugi's ever so slightly.

Yugi held Atemu's hand. "No. It was Mark and Ushio. Atemu saved me from getting raped. We all know the teachers wouldn't care." Yugi explained.

Bakura gave Atemu a suspicious look while Seth, the more reasonable one nodded as he scooped Joey up, putting him on his back. "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go to Burger world before Puppy starts drooling... again."

Joey whined while Yugi laughed and nodded. "I'll pay this time. I got my gaming check."

Bakura snorted. 'Some boyfriend making his smaller mate pay...'

"Actually little Dove I'll cover it." Atemu said as he pulled out a simple yet stylish wallet.

Yugi looks at Atemu unsure. "Are you sure? I don't mind." Yugi said.

"What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't spoil my little lover, hm?" Atemu asked as he smiled..this was not a sarcastic or forced smile... but a genuine one?

Yugi sighs softly but nods. "Okay... I'll pay next time."

Bakura muttered under his breath as Atemu let Yugi lead him with the group to a fast food establishment.

Servers of all species were flying and hovering helping customers waiting tables... Yugi smiled when he saw Ami and another friend Tea were on the shift today.

Ami smiled as she flew over her notepad in talons.

"Hello Ami." Yugi said as the group sat down in a booth.

The Raven and the Dove by Bailey Sparks and Me Bluekitten (a Yugioh story)Where stories live. Discover now