He Knows My Name

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"Did I just hear you tell Carol that you will pick her up on Saturday for a date?" Jacob asked.

Steven sat himself down and faced his friend, "And?"

"And you're setting yourself up for disaster!" Jacob replied in a low tone of voice, so no one from the surrounding tables heard him, "Christina will claw her eyes out!"

"Christina will soon be history," Steven replied, and took a sip of his latte.

"But she will not go down quietly," Anthony who sat across from Steven told him, "if you dump her let alone see one of her ex friends the shit will hit the roof!"

"Christina is a whore, why would I care about her feelings?" Steven looked at Anthony daring him to deny his words.

"She may be a whore, but she is also a bitch and will destroy Carol!" Jacob added.

Steven sighed, and wondered how he was going to be rid of the monkey on his back. He knew Christina was a strong and powerful girl and she would fight for him.


"Wait did I just hear clearly?" Claire asked.

"What?" Abby asked, "what are you talking about?"

"Steven just asked Carol on a date!"

"I thought he was dating Christina."

Claire leaned closer to Abby not wanting anyone to hear her, "Since when did that stop Steven from cheating, and so what if he is dating Christina, rumor has it that she sleeps around too!"

"Rumor also has it that Steven is a man whore, Abby said, "they deserve each other!"

"If Christina finds out that Steven took Carol on a date, she will pull Carol's hair out!" Claire said, "I feel bad for Carol, she seems like a decent girl."

"Why would you feel sorry for Carol," Abby asked, "Carol knows exactly what she is getting herself into. Everyone knows Steven's history, he loves them and then leaves them!"

"That's true, there are even rumors that he has gotten a few girls pregnant and forced them to have an abortion!" Claire explained, "and they still want him, I don't understand why!"

Abby knew why, hadn't she almost fallen in that trap herself? "He is a pig and sooner or later he will get his!"

At that moment Claire's iPhone rang and she answered it. "I'll be there right away!" Carol said, and then placed her phone in her pocket and rose from her chair, "I'm sorry Abby, emergency at home I'll explain tomorrow, I have to go now!"

Abby watched her friend leave, great she thought, it was uncomfortable to be left all alone in a cafe full of people and especially when Steven was jut a few tables away. She pulled her science book out and pretended to be studying.

Half hour later she looked up from her book and noticed that Stevens table was empty, good, she thought, and relaxed herself. She sipped the last of her latte, gathered her books in her backpack and stood.

When she stepped outside the crisp night air sent a chill through her body and Abby zipped her jacket. It was now dark and the street lamps were lit. As she started to walked down the street, she noticed someone leaning against the brick wall of Cafe Premiere near the alley smoking a cigarette and she quickened her steps.

"What are you doing walking all by yourself in the dark?" A familiar voice called out.

Relief flooded through her that it wasn't a strange man, but anger settled in the pit of her stomach, "Go away!" She sneered.

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