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Fear twisted in the pit of her stomach, she knew there was something not right by the way he looked at her. Abby lifted herself from the couch, "Is something wrong?" She asked him when she walked up to him.

Steven exhaled, before he spoke, "I don't know if we should continue this."

Her heart sank, was he breaking up with her even before they even started dating? "Why." Was all she was able to mutter in her state of sadness that she was drowning in. "Am I not good enough for you?"

Her words sent a stab of pain to his chest, "Have I not explained to you what I feel for you?" He asked, and walked towards her.

She blinked and her heart started racing as he approached her and took her two hands in his, "Have you no idea the depth of my love for you?"

His voice was hoarse when he spoke and Abby grew weak in the knees. "I....I......"

He pulled her gently by the hand and they walked over to the couch where he sat down and pulled her onto his lap. Wrapping his hands around her tiny waist, Steven looked at her with so much love written in his eyes, that Abby swallowed, not knowing what he was going to say next.

"I'm in love with you, you are my life now," he explained, "but I'm having trouble with the fact that you are too good for me."

"What?" Abby said, not understanding what he was saying.

Closing his eyes for a second, Steven took a deep breath and opened them again, "I'm a scoundrel, I'm bad for you,"

"No, no you're not!" Abby said quickly, "you're ..."

Steven cut her off, "I have a bad reputation and everything you've heard about me are not just rumors, they are real, I have been known to hurt every girl I have been with, you are a pure and innocent girl and I don't want to hurt you!"

"You won't hurt me Steven." She told him, "you think yourself a scoundrel, but I know there is good in you, I have seen your goodness."

"That's because you bring out the best of me." Steven assured her, "I've never met anyone like you."

Dropping her head to his, she kissed him. Steven tightened his hold on her and moaned, "You have no idea what you do to me."

The huskiness of his voice sent tremors up and down her spine and she kissed him hungrily never wanting to let him go. It was a long possessive kiss and one that had Stevens body aroused and on fire.

"No Abby stop!" He finally said, when he broke off the kiss, "that's enough for today!"

When he looked into her eyes, she looked hurt and he quickly added, "if we don't stop now I will take you here and now and I don't want to make love to you in that way."

Pulling away from him, Abby sat next to him quietly and when she spoke, Steven noticed that he hurt her again with his words.

"I finally got the courage to give myself to you and you reject me, am I not pretty enough, are you attracted to me even just a little bit?"

Dropping to his knees in front of her, Steven palmed her face and looked her in the eyes, "You are perfect just the way you are, and I find you very sexy, I am extremely attracted to you, I have never felt this way about another girl in my entire life, you are everything I ever wanted, and I love you so much that it hurts me when I push you away."

"Then why do you ...."

"I don't want to make love to you like this," he explained carefully, "I want you, all of you, but I don't think you're ready," he told her, and then cut her off when she was about to protest, "no Abby you need more time, I refuse to strip away your virginity just because I'm horny, you deserve better than that and I am willing to wait until you are mentally and physically ready for me."

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