To Conquor

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The day dragged on and on and Steven was losing his patience, he had gone to Abby's lab class to peak inside, but Abby had ditched and he grew concerned as to her welfare and whereabouts.

When the last bell for the day rang he hurried out of class and walked swiftly to find Abby, but when he threw his books in his locker, he heard Christina's voice behind him and he stiffened.


"Go away!" He told her, in a low tone of voice not to attract attention, but she started to cry and yell at him making a fool out of both of them in the middle of the hallway.

"You used me and then trashed me," she cried, not caring who was listening, "what have I ever done to deserve this!"

His eyes darkened and his jaw clenched, "Go away!" He warned in a dangerously low tone of voice.

"Have you found yourself another girl?" She hissed, "is that why you abandoned me?"

"I said stop or you will  regret it!" He warned again through gritted teeth.

"Karma is a bitch and you will get yours soon enough!" She spat. "I hate you!"

By now there was a huge crowd surrounding them, but Steven didn't care and he was about to walk away, but he saw Abby from the corner of his eyes. She had stopped and was watching the ugly scene before her with wide eyes and a shocked expression on her face.

Steven froze, he looked at Abby and his eyes pleaded for her to wait for him so they can talk, but she turned and walked away without even as much as an acknowledgement to him. His heart sank, he was feelings things he never felt before, Abby had somehow won him over.

He now knew that his feelings for her were deep, and even though he didn't understand exactly what he was feeling, he knew enough to understand that she was different then all the other girl he had dated, and he wanted her badly.

"Steven?" Carols low voice alerted him to his surroundings, by this time Christina and the crowd had disappeared, Carol stood in front of him all alone questioning his behavior. "What happened?"

"You know exactly what happened." He answered, and he dismissed her by walking away from her. His mind was already fixed on what he was going to do about Abby. He wanted her, he needed her like the fish needed the water!

Why? The voice inside him asked, need I remind you again and again that she is the clown girl? She is ugly and fat! Not in your league at all, you can have any girl in the school you want, why her?

"She's not a clown girl!" He burst out.

"Hey man take it easy you're making a fool out of yourself!" Jacob who had spotted him from down the hall came quickly behind him and whispered, "your behavior of late is intolerable, are you on drugs?"

Steven whirled around and with a clenched jaw he snarled, "Get the fuck off my back!"

"Jesus Steven," Jacob backed off and stared open mouthed at Steven. "You need some serious adjusting, stay away from the clown girl she will have you going crazy in no time!"

Blinding rage building up for days now consumed him and he balled his hand into a fist and bashed Jacob's face in, "I told you before and I'll tell you again, she is not a fucken clown girl and if I ever hear those words again from your mouth I will kill you!"

A huge crowd had gathered again and someone helped pull a stunned Jacob off the floor. His jaw was swollen and he was a bit shaken up.

"What the hell happened here?" Anthony who had seen the quarrel from far away and had run to stop them, and asked.

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