Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 - Charms

Thur- 11. September 1977

It was one day before the full moon when Aya and I sat in Charms and listened to Professor Flitwick as he talked about all kinds of healing charms. We were in the fourth row, and James and Sirius sat behind us, on the table next to them were Lily and Marlene.

Lily and James were talking a lot these days, but I've never seen her kiss him except for on the cheeks. They had a second date on next Tuesday and everyone was really excited to see how far this relationship was going to go, first because they were Head boy and - girl and second because she had rejected him for six years.

Aya and I were more interested in the mysterious girl that Fabian had mentioned to be his huge crush. We had our heads together and whispered about it, when Professor Flitwick cleared his throat: "Miss Wilson and Miss Pettigrew? Would you be so kind and tell us all your stories that are more important than my class?"

Aya became flushing read for a reason I didn't know yet because we got exhorted many times in class. "Well it is about a girl that we want to know about, but don't know who she is.", I explained to our Professor, but he didn't seem happy with my explanation.

"Then let us all talk about that girl together and find out who she is!", James exclaimed and made some students -not including Lily- laugh.

Professor Flitwick looked confused now and his face became a shade of red as well, but only half the color of Aya's face. His books, that he was usually standing on to be taller than his desk, were wobbled as if they were going to crash down any minute.

"Are you serious, Mister Potter?", he asked and there was a squeaking in his voice as he spoke.

"No, I am not, but I wish I were!", James answered and now the whole class - even Lily - laughed. Sirius hit his table with one hand and then patted James on the back while Professor Flitwick got more and more confused.

"You are the Head Boy, Mister Potter! You should be a good student that other students can look up to!", Flitwick squealed and almost fell of his books. These words wiped the laugh off James face and replaced it with a serious expression. Then he drove his hand through his hair and looked at Lily, almost afraid that she might hate him again, but she just gave him a reassuring smile. It was almost possible to see the relief on James face when he saw that Lily was okay with his little joke.

"I am very sorry sir, but I can reassure you that I know all the healing spells by heart.", he explained and I had to smirk. All the Marauders, me and Aya knew all the healing spells that existed, because we often had to heal ourselves or each other after a full moon.

"Well then can you tell me the spell that heals minor magically-induced ailments like paralysis?", Flitwick asked, but James said the answer before he could even finish: "Reparifors!"

"Very well, I will continue with my lesson and I don't want to hear anyone talking except if I tell them to!", the short Professor said, acting like a strict teacher that he clearly wasn't. "Miss Wright! Can you tell me what I use the spell 'Anapneo' for?", he then asked and a brown haired girl in the back of the class shot her head up from her desk, where she had been taking a little nap. She was a Ravenclaw and she was a favorite of Slughorn, so it was really weird that she slept in class. Something must have been keeping her awake last night.

"Uhm, the 'Anapneo'-spell. That spell is used to clear the throat of a choking victim!", She said while she straightened her blouse and fixed her long hair.

"Very well.", Flitwick mumbled more to himself than to the class, irritated that two students who hadn't paid attention knew the answer to his questions. Flitwick seemed to think about what to do next, when Lily raised her hand. Before the teacher could say her name, Sirius bended sidewards and gave her a high-five.

The whole class bursted out in laughter again and both Remus and Peter, who were sitting behind Sirius, high-fived him after. James and Lily were laughing as well, but the Professor was now as red as a tomato.

"Oh, this is going to be either detention or points.", I whispered to Aya and I was right. Just this second, Fitwick started screaming: "WHAT DO YOU THINK IS THIS? Some kind of entertainment for you? DETENTION! For Black, Potter, Evans, Wilson, both Pettigrews, Lupin and Wright! I am so disappointed in you all. Get out of the classroom and only come back when you are willing to be part of this class!"

"But, Professor. I was going to ask a question!", Lily softly said, but Flitwick ignored her and just pointed with his wand to the door, that opened with a bang.

After we all got out of the classroom and shut the door behind us, we all started laughing, even the Ravenclaw.

"Shouldn't you be worried now? You Ravenclaws are supposed to take studying seriously. ", Sirius asked and I could see that he had his flirty face on. The girl smiled and threw her hair over her shoulder, a move that I looked pretty flirtishious as well. I hoped for her that she wasn't going to fall for Sirius.

"I know I should be worried, but I think that life is short and sometimes you have to have some fun, or sleep.", she answered and we all giggled a bit.

"What is your name, sorry I think I have seen you in the library many times, but I never asked for your name.", Remus asked and I was surprised that he actually talked to a girl. Sirius and James noticed it as well and padded their mate on the back, as a sign that he was doing good.

"I am Isabella, but please just call me Bella.", the girl said and waved at everyone. Remus, her and Sirius started a conversation and I didn't know whether they wanted to outtake themselves or just be nice. Well Sirius was probably just looking for a make-out session, which made me kind of jealous again, but I didn't expect anything else from him. Lily and James were talking as well, but Lily didn't seem mad at James for getting her detention because technically it wasn't his fault. Peter sat down next to the door and had his head in his hands, probably thinking about our dads command again.

"So, we still haven't found out who she is!", Aya whispered to me and I smiled. While all that chaos happened in the classroom, I thought of a plan to find the girl that Fabian fancied. But because Aya got so red and because off all the other signs, I also found out something else, that I wasn't 100% sure off, but it was pretty obvious.

"How about we pour some Verita Serum in his drink on Saturday evening when the secret party is in the boys dorm. Then we can just ask him who she is.", I told Aya and she nodded excitedly. But then she looked down and just hugged me. I hugged her back and laid my head on her shoulder, knowing exactly why she was excited and frightened at the same time.

"I have a huge crush on him.", Aya said into my robe, and I nodded my head. This was just assuring me that I had been right.

"I know, babe. But we are going to make him fall for you too. He would be stupid not to love you, you are gorgeous, a great Quidditchplayer and you are the kindest person I know."

"Well then we should also get you and Sirius together.", Aya said and my heart seemed to stand still for a moment just to beat even faster when it started again.

"You know?", I asked her and suddenly I was afraid. Afraid that I made it so obvious that everyone had figured it out.

"Of course I know, silly! I am your best friend, remember? But I don't think that anyone else knows.", Aya told me and I felt relieved.

"We are going to make them fall for us.", I said and Aya nodded her head. "They won't know what hit them!", she joked and we both giggled when we returned to Flitwicks class with the others.

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