Chapter 29

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Who are you?

Thur- 20. November 1977

I could feel the fear running through my blood like ice water, making it impossible for me to move.

Without blinking, I just stared into the yellow eyes of the werewolf, my own boyfriend that was about to kill me.

„This might be a horrible time, but I cheated on you. I wanted to protect you, all of you. But now I am going to die a cheater. I should have just told you all - ARGH!", I whispered but the last word was a painful scream and when I looked down I could see that my scar was bleeding again. No, no, no!

The werewolf instantly smelled the blood and if he was confused before when I spoke to him, now he was bloodthirsty. With one big jump, he threw me on the floor and had his paws on my chest. I grunted from the fall, but now, I had already given up. This would all end badly and that just because I didn't trust the one guy I truly loved.

I heard a dog barking in the distance, and the werewolf above me apparently feared that someone wanted his bait, so he stepped off me, but just when I felt relieved of his weight, he stabbed his fangs into my arm and horrible pain, much worse than the scar, filled my body.

The wolf dragged me behind him and I just let him do it, feeling like my arm would fall of at any second. Weirdly, now I remembered writing an essay, when I though that my arm hurt bad from all the writing. I couldn't help but laugh in tears. How stupid was I back then? It must have been in the fourth grade or so, at christmas night.

„I cannot write anymore! Seriously, my arm is going to fall off", I complained to Aya, who was sitting next to me in the common room, that was already empty, except for us and three other students who were still doing their homework.

Aya laughed and looked at my paper: „At least you are close to the end! I still have to write like a thousand more inches."

Before I could answer, I felt two big and warm hands over my eyes. Smiling, I grabbed them and then said: „Mhhh, I wonder? Is that Remus?"

„Why with that guess you are right, MyLady", my best friend answered and gave me a kiss on the cheek before he removed his hands from my face.

I grinned at him, but then I saw the present that floated above his head. Confused, I looked at Aya and saw that she was the one pointing her wand at it. Remus jumped up and caught it, then he bowed before me and gave me the little box.

„I was going to give this to you tomorrow, but it looks like you could need it now", he said and I felt happiness filling my heart. With him, I could always be safe and he always thought about me, sometimes he even put his own needs aside. He was the best friend I could ever ask for - except for Aya of course-.

„Go on, open it!", Aya exclaimed when I just stared at the box and so I ripped the paper, just to find a beautiful writing feather inside of the box.

„It is so beautiful", I thanked Remus, but he didn't seem to be satisfied yet.

„Write with it", he demanded and even though my hand seemed to be screaming no, I couldn't say it to his excited face.

With a sight, I continued writing my essay when I realized that the pain faded. I actually started feeling better, as if I could write forever.

„Oh wow! Thank you so much, Remus!", I said happily and now he smiled as well: „Everything for my Prinzess."

I was painfully ripped out of my memories when the wolf stopped and dropped my head on the hard floor.

„Remus", I started again but the wolf cared little about what I said. Cautiously, he walked around me and checked if this place really was safe.

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