[ six ]

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Zayn and I walked up to his front door, laughing. He pulled his key from his pocket and tried to open the door.

"Shit!" he said, "Niall or Louis have left their key on the other side of the door," He reached in his pocket for his phone to text them and it started ringing.

"Niall open the door you twat!" I could hear Niall's laughter over the phone and tried to listen to what he was saying.

"I won't open it... you... I'll be watching," I caught most of what he was saying until Zayn hung up on him.

"Why won't he open the door?" I questioned, curious.

"Because he's an insolent little shit sometimes and he knows he's right," he muttered, "Basically, he said he won't open it until I tell you how I fell or something of the sort,"

I giggled at his last statement and saw that his ears were going red.

"And how is it that you feel?" I stepped closer to him, well aware that Niall was probably watching from a window like the pervert he was.

"Let's just say that I most definitely like you and I want to see you again," He leant in and kissed me softly. I wrapped my arms around his neck, ready to turn this into a proper make out session until the sound of a camera reached my ears.

We jumped apart and my head turned to the culprit.

"Jesus, Niall! Can a girl not have a good kiss once in a while?" I pointed my finger at him. "You are a very mean friend. Inside, now!" He chuckled and ran back inside, leaving the door open. I shook my head.

"I'm sorry about that," Zayn said as he followed me through the door.

"Oh, trust me - I did not mind at all! But he can never meet my friend, Mia. Ever!" I made my way to where Niall had disappeared to and opened the door, revealing a couple of girls and Louis playing Mario Kart and laughing.

"So I tell him that he has to fess up and-" Niall was perched on a brown leather sofa and stopped talking as soon as he noticed me and Zayn stood at the doorway.

"Niall?" I said, "I'd like to watch you delete those photos," I raised my eyebrows, not expecting him to do anything. To my surprise, he waved his phone at me and watched him press the delete button.

"Is that all of them?" I wasn't that stupid. He nodded.

"I'm not that mean!" He snickered and turned back to the Mario Kart race that was occurring. Louis and two girls were shrieking and yelling at each other, whilst waving their Wii remotes all over the place.

"Fuck you, Louis!" The brunette girl yelled.

"Sweetheart, you wish I was fucking you!" He winked at her and watched in dismay as her character pushed his off the edge of the track.

"Bitch!" The other girl yelled. They continued bickering as I observed them. The long haired brunette was definitely close with Louis, but her friend was doing pretty fine against the other two. Her hair was a vibrant turquoise and tied in a messy bun.

"Yes!" Louis jumped up and fist pumped as he crossed the line in first place.

"You always win, Louis!" The blue haired girl complained.

"Yeah, it's not fair on us! You should let Niall play instead," The brunette chipped in. She turned to face Niall and her eyes widened as they landed on me.

"Oh my god! Zayn, is that a cute girl you have there? How long have you been dating? Are you even together-" I laughed as Louis shoved his hand over her mouth.

"I'm pretty sure I'm a girl," I grinned and shrugged my coat off. "And I'm not really looking for anything serious right now," I collapsed onto the other sofa and sighed.

"Olivia, this is Leila," Zayn waved a hand towards the brunette and back to me. "And this is Niall's girlfriend Chloe," The blue haired girl rolled her eyes.

"You do realise Zayn wants a serious relationship, right?" I stared at Chloe. Fuck. "If you fuck this up I'll come after you and gut you with a knife," I raised my eyebrows and shrugged.

"You do?" I glanced at Zayn.

"Yeah," he said, "I was going to mention that later, but I guess Chloe can't resist shoving her nose where it isn't wanted,"

Chloe snorted derisively and sat down on the sofa next to Niall. The way they looked at each other was the only thing that made me believe they were actually a couple. How could someone so carefree end up with someone so... grumpy?

"So how did you and Zayn meet?" Leila cut in and I smiled at her gratefully.

"Well, I was at the club near the university and by the time he came over to me, I must have had a good few drinks," I recounted, "Then my memory is a little fuzzy - I'm pretty sure I drank a lot more than Zayn, so he should be able to fill in the blanks,"

He sat down next to me as he started speaking, "I just don't get that bad of a hangover - I certainly drank plenty. We danced for a bit, I think, and then we came back here,"

"There was certainly some sex, Lil," said Louis, "It kept me up half the bloody night," He winked at me and snickered as Zayn inched his arm around my shoulders.

"Enough about you guys. How about you two verse me and Louis in Mario Kart? Niall and Chloe can get food," suggested Leila.

"You're on!" I caught the remote Chloe threw to me and laughed as Leila and Louis argued over who was going to be Yoshi.


Okay, I know it's been a while but I'm on a roll now. If I remember I'll post within the next week :)

- Polly :)

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