[ four ]

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I brushed a piece of blonde hair out of my face as I stepped into the quiet library. A rush of warm air enveloped me, warming my cold cheeks. The bitter British weather of early October had kept everyone indoors, leaving the library nearly empty. Heading towards the bookshelves, I unzipped my coat, breathing in the fresh aroma of lavender from the scented candles dotted around the small room. I immediately caught sight of the book I was looking for and pulled it off the shelf. Soon enough, I was absorbed by John Green's newest masterpiece and the sound from the busy roads a few blocks away was dimmed.

It only felt like minutes, but I could tell it had been over an hour by the colour of the sky when I was interrupted by someone very familiar in a leather jacket and a black nikes. He wore sunglasses that covered his eyes, which I found strange, seeing as it was the middle of September. I laughed in surprise.

"Zayn! Wow - fancy seeing you here," I stood up and placed the book on the bookshelf.

"Sorry for interrupting; I just wanted to see whether it was you. It seems you and I have a few things in common." He removed his sunglasses and grinned at me.

"I know right? It seems like we share the same taste in music too," I gestured to his blink-182 shirt.

"You're kid-" A woman wearing a badge with Meredith inscribed on it marched over.

"This is a library, not Starbucks," she cut in shrilly, "I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

"Excuse me? We're just talking!" I retorted, "What's so wrong with that?"

"It's fine, Liv," Zayn said, "Let's leave before she calls security." He looked at me pointedly. I glared at Meredith before following him out of the door.

"Sorry for getting you kicked out," Zayn apologised.

"It's fine. After all, it is a library not Starbucks," I made my voice as shrill as possible and laughed at my stupid attempt at Meredith's squeaky voice.

"Speaking of Starbucks, there's one near here. Do you want to go and get some coffee or something?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Are you asking me out on a date?" I raised an eyebrow of my own.

"It's whatever you want it to be," he replied and winked comically.

I laughed at his antics and followed him over to his car. I'd used the bus to get here so mine wasn't a problem.


"How's your hot chocolate?" He asked, stirring his pumpkin spice latte. A pumpkin spice latte! Next thing I know he'll be dressing like a hipster and using Instagram.

I took a sip of my hot chocolate and winced at the temperature.

"Too fucking hot!" I muttered. "How's your pumpkin spice latte, Tumblr girl? Do you need a moment to appreciate the aesthetic?"

He laughed and shook his head.

"Do I look like a Tumblr girl to you?" He gestured to his black jeans, black Nike's and tattoos. I hesitated.

"Um, yeah? I mean you're more muscled than most of them," I said. I giggled at his reaction, watching his ears go pink.

"I feel genuinely insulted. Am I not manly? I know how to use a gun, for God's sake," His last statement sparks my interest.

"You know how to use a gun?" My surprise must have been evident and he laughed.

"Why is it so surprising that I know how to use a gun?" He said.

"Oh, I didn't mean it like that. I know how to use one too," Oh shit! Why am I so bad at keeping secrets?

"Where did you learn how to shoot a gun? Did you live on a farm or something?" I nodded quickly, taking his opportunity with both hands.

We fell into a relaxed silence and I leant against the shop window, watching the rain fall. I took a sip of my hot chocolate to discover I'd finished it. Throwing my cup neatly into a bin, I turned to Zayn and let him know I'd finished. I stood up and put my coat on as he drank the last of his latte. He chucked his cup into the bin and we made our way towards the door.

As the rain hit my face, I ran to his car and yanked the door open. I slid inside, shivering.

"Bloody hell, it's cold," I grumbled.

"I can't believe it's this cold, especially this far south," Zayn replied, turning on the heating, "I heard up north the temperature is in negative figures at night,"

"Shit, I'm glad we're in London," I laughed. He leant over to me and enveloped his arms around me. Sighing, I leant into his embrace.

"This is nice," I said, turning to face him.

"I'm glad you think so," He laughed, his warm breath fanning my face. I took a small breath and leant in, connecting my lips to his.


Sorry for updating late, I've ran out of pre-written chapters so updates may be a little weird until I've managed to get ahead a bit. Nevermind, I hope that the few of you reading are enjoying it so far!

- Polly

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