[ two ]

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I jogged down the road to his car; Zayn had insisted that he gave me a lift to the club, where I'd left my car. I ran a hand up and down my arm, glancing up at the dark clouds in the sky. I hurried into the car and watched Zayn pull out onto the road.

My ridiculous ringtone blared as he drove and he glanced over at me.

"It's not mine. I wouldn't dare have Pixie Lott as my ringtone" Zayn said as I muttered under my breath about getting a decent ringtone, feeling slightly flustered.

"Hello?" Silence was all I could hear on the other side of the line. Then the low voice of a familiar male spoke.

"Hello again, Liv; it's that time of the year. It's time for you to do your side of the deal. You'd best get down to that art shop you love so much and buy some supplies for me. Right now."

"What?! I'm a little busy at the moment. What do you need art supplies for anyway?"

"It's in the text. And you'd better lose your little boy toy - we wouldn't want him to get hurt now would we?"

"What text? How-" The line went dead; he'd hung up on me. How the hell does he know who I'm with? He'd better not have anybody following me! My head whipped around. The only people around were an elderly couple and a young girl walking her dog. Nobody of the suitable character to be working for him.

"Are you okay? I couldn't hear what the guy who called you was saying, but you're in a right fuss." The concern in Zayn's voice was touching. I hadn't had people who actually cared enough about me to ask that for over a year.

"Yeah I'm fine. I need to get home quickly, is that okay?" Pixie's voice rung out as a text message reached my phone. Blocked number - definitely him.

"Sure," he said as I checked my texts.

'I'll send you a list of items you'll need in the next couple of weeks, Liv. You'd better get working, or you'll be saying goodbye to Zayn and Mia.'

Another text arrived, my heart pounded.

'Today you'll need your art book, your pencil, and your wits. You know what my sign is - I need a newer one, an improved one.'

His sign was the scorpion. Fitting, seeing as the name of his group of friends was Scorpia. He was the front man of an exclusive gang, only for the elite players, or the ones who had something he needed or was owed. Drug dealers, arms providers, the lot. If he wanted you, he'd do anything to get you. A third text arrived.

'But it had better be good, otherwise it won't be just your friend's lives on the line.'

Zayn drove into the parking lot of the club, right next to my car. It took me a few moments to respond, but I got out of his car.

"Thank you, especially for the breakfast!" I laughed, trying to sound happy. Needless to say I failed dismally.

He nodded, not convinced and pulled out of the parking lot. I watched him go and grabbed my phone as soon as he was gone. By the time I'd gotten in my car, I'd reread all of the text messages and my brain was about to explode. Why now of all times? Why now? What about Zayn? I'm probably not going to see him again, but what if I do?

I sat there, resisting the urge to cry, and thought about the deal I'd made with him all those years ago.


Ralph sat across from me, his eyes trained on me. He was leant against the booth, completely at ease with the situation. A blonde waiter came over, placing a hot chocolate in front of me, and a cappuccino in front of Ralph. As she left, he took a sip of his drink and raised an eyebrow.

"Aren't you going to have a drink? You look like you could do with something stronger," He sniggered and waited for my reply. My jaw clenched and I scowled, fully aware of how depressed I looked.

"To hell with you!" I snarled, "What else do you want? My family? Oh wait, you've already turned them against me!"

I glared at him and silently dared him to keep on talking. The only thing keeping me from strangling him was the two men in the corner, and the fact that he had a good 70 lbs on me.

"All I want is your assistance in a few matters, Liv,"

"Me? Do you a favour?" I scoffed, "How crazy are you?"

"I suspected as much. You have a year to get in touch with me, or I'll come looking for you myself," He threw down a fiver and slipped out of the booth, making his way towards the door. The two men I'd seen in the corner mimicked him and followed him outside. I shivered at the breeze and slumped in my seat. As my thoughts battled for attention, I glanced out of the window and watched the rain begin to fall.


Guess what - I actually updated on time! I've got exams next week, so I may not be as good at updating. If I can grab a few minutes to upload, I will!

- Polly :)

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