Nine: he been caught

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3:04pm. Liked by hobihope & 123 more.

He is just so damn perfect. Like...DAMN.

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hobihope what has he done now?

 ^reply^ kookiefanart existed.

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Jungkook swallowed nervously, hitting send on his reply to Hobi before setting his phone down and continuing to pour over the various style suggestions and test shoots on the table before him. There was so much to do!

Kim Namjoon had not quite been honest when he had said 'just a photographer' during the meeting. What he'd actually meant, was that he'd wanted Jungkook to be in complete charge of the entire concept. That meant working with the stylists to find appropriate clothing, scouting out venues and locations and contacting buisnesses to use their space, testing samples to get the correct lighting, the correct colours... if he wasn't being paid the amount he was, he would have sued Kim Namjoon for mis-direction. 

They'd provided him with a small 'office' neighbouring the dance studio, where he could store the collection of samples, tests and paperwork that was slowly increasing over each day, but also be in close proximity to the singers should he need to check a colour against their skintone, or ask how they felt about behaving in a certain way publically. 

He knew a few things already that he yearned to try and bring to life. When he looked at Kim Taehyung, Jungkook associated him with water: whether waves crashing on a beach with the wind breezing through his hair, or the singer submerged in water, surrounded by etheral lights that emitted a sense of total tranquility. He'd raised the idea, and the singer had instantly lit up in excited glee. 

Kim Seokjin, he associated with pastel hues and elegant design. He imagined a white room suddenly filled with clouds of multicoloured chalks, decorating the singer aesthetically as he stood, clad in a traditional, yet awe-inspiring hanbok. Again, this posed idea had been met with intense excitement. 

Then came Park Jimin. The photographer glanced nervously over at the file where all his sample collections for Jimin's potential concept were stuffed. From seeing the way Jimin acted around his bandmates, the way he dressed, spoke and danced when he thought he was alone, Jungkook knew the singer was desperate to explore a new concept. He'd accidentally overheard the singer talking to Taehyung in the studio when Jungkook had stayed late one night, about how he wished Namjoon would let him show his 'real side' to the fans. 

Jungkook knew what he had meant by 'real side'. Over the past few months he'd seen Jimin try to push for it to be publicised, but any promotion of it had always been cautiously censored by his management team. 

Unable to help himself, he picked up his phone again and allowed himself to be immsersed in the most recent posts by Park Jimin. The posts screamed frustration and want to simply show his fans who they really were supporting. Of course, what he needed to realise, was that the fans already did.

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