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su hyeok leaned back in the school chair, stratching his arms up, making his green suit lift up to reveal a slight bit of the boys stomach, as he let out a big yawn.

"tired already? it's only 10" cheong san chuckled teasingly and kicked the tired boys leg, making him groan and move to face cheong san.

"yah, should we leave?" su hyeok asked and looked into the other boys eyes intensely, waiting for a 'yes'
"we probably should not, but, okay."

the two boys left the classroom, both agreeing to go to the rooftop of the school, where they could catch a break.

cheong san plopped down besides su hyeok, trying to find words to say that could break the awkward silence, it had been quite awkward between the two since he told su hyeok he had feelings for him, tho he promised it wouldn't be.

"su hyeok, things aren't the same" he mumbled, gaining no reaction from the other since they were being interrupted by two people coming out the door, both smeared in, in blood, moving in un human like ways. cheong san furrowed his brows, being over all confused. but he was soon grabbed by the hands of su hyeok, he pulled him up and they both ran down the stairs, it was almost like everyone they ran past, had been possessed by something.

"get in, get in!" su hyeok yelled to the unfocused boy, he then came to his senses and got inside the room, their other friends were in there, all plastered with confused looks on their faces.

"we are literally being chased down by zombies, and you're fucking zoning out?" su hyeok rubbed his head, sighing at the whole situation.

"zombies? you're out of your mind" cheong san chuckled, and plopped down, already tired in his legs from running down a few stairs.

"oh so I am out of my mind? you gotta be fucking kidding me" su hyeok bowed down a little to look down at cheong san, who had decided to ignore him.

"maybe it's not the best thing to argue right now, guys" dae su recommended, only earning two death glares from the mad boys.

su hyeok chuckled, turning around to put his eyes on dae su "maybe leave yourself out of this conversation, would you!?" he yelled in the boys face, earning nothing but dae su holding in his laugh.

"okay, calm down a little everyone" on jo added and plopped down besides cheong san, making sure he was okay.

"let me in shitheads!"

the whole group looked out to see who was yelling for them, not a person was surprised when they saw the one and only, Yoon Gwi Nam.

hi sorry! English is not my first language, I also apologise if this is way too rushed. 😅 although I hop you like the chapter. thank u for reading.

"this is train to busan" - cheong san x su hyeokWhere stories live. Discover now