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A n d r e a

I was in my very large comfortable bed, under my very warm covers before i was rudely interrupted by Rachel and Leslie. They burst into my room and jumped on me. Now you may be wondering. Doesn't Leslie hate you right now? The answer is yes, no. We made up, both of us apologized. But that doesn't change the fact that she doesn't agree with my job. But she also knows she has to deal with it for now. Back to me being ambushed. Leslie and Rachel run into my run and jump straight on top of me in my bed.

"What the fuck!" I groan and they laugh.

"You guys suck." I say trying to pull the covers back over me, but with them laying on them, they won't budge.

"Oh stop, you love us." Leslie says snatching the blanket from me.

"Anyways, we have to get dresses for the ball." Rachel butts in.

"I already got one, now leave me alone." I say trying to take the blanket back from Leslie but she pulls it farther away from me as her jaw drops.

"You went dress shopping without us? You traitor." Leslie says and Rachel adds to it with a pouty face.

"I went a few days ago when you pissed me off, and Alex took me to the mall."

"Asshole." Leslie whispers and I smack her arm playfully.

"Oooh, is there something going on with you and my brother?" Rachel teases.

"Haha, very funny." I say finally getting the blanket out of Leslie's grasp.

"There is!" Rachel yells.

"Tell us all the details." Rachel says as she climbs onto the bed and snatches the blanket.

"Why are you guys so obsessed with my blanket?"

"Tell us the Details, Andrea." Leslie says.

"There are no details. We went to the mall then out to eat. That's it." I shrug and they look at each-other with smirks on their faces.

"Okay, fine but seriously get up we want you to look our dresses we pick." Rachel says as she throws the blanket back towards me and I groan.

"I hate you guys." I say causing them to laugh as they walk out.

"We love you too." Leslie says. I lay in bed for a while before finally getting up and getting ready. I throw on some grey sweats I stole from my ex boyfriend. Don't ask. And a black cropped tank top. I don't even bother to mess with my hair because that'll just take too much time. I make my way downstairs and walk into the kitchen to see Rachel sitting at the island on her phone and Leslie talking to Jax. Wait, JAX? I walk over to the refrigerator while eavesdropping on their conversation trying not to make it too obvious. I heard a few things like corny jokes and Jax calling her cute but that's it. But before I could even make it to the refrigerator my cover was blown when i ran into something. I was falling to the floor when the thing I bumped into caught me. That thing being Alex.

"You fucking asshole, you blew my cover!" I whisper yell as I hit him in the chest and he raises an eyebrow at me. I turn around to see Leslie laughing and Jax giving me a cold stare.

"You still haven't pulled that stick out of your ass huh?" I ask and Jax whispers something into Leslie's ear before walking away then Leslie blushes and I raise an eyebrow at her.

"You're not gonna say sorry for bumping into me?" Alex says taking my attention away from Leslie.

"Are you gonna apologize for blowing my cover?" I say looking up at him.

"I'm sorry for blowing your cover." He says with a smirk.

"Yea, you're not getting a sorry from me." I say as I move around him to the refrigerator and he laughs and sits at the island next to Rachel. 

"So, where are you guys going to get these dresses, and let's make it quick because I want to take at least three naps before the day is over." I say slamming my hand on the counter to get their attention.

"We can leave now actually." Rachel says and Leslie nods.

"Before you guys leave, we're throwing a little party tonight, so be ready for that." Alex says as we all start to walk away.

"Alright girls lets go! I need to get naps in before this party." I say pushing Leslie and Rachel towards the garage. I grab my purse from by the door and take out my keys and lead the girls to the jeep.

"Wait, this is Alex's car." Rachel freezes.

"Not anymore." I say as I dangle the keys in her face.

"You're gonna get us killed Alex loves his cars we can't just take one." She panics.

"Who said I was stealing it? He gave it to me a few days ago." I shrug.

"Wait really?" Rachel says and I nod and jump into the car. Leslie follows and gets into the passenger seat then soon after Rachel appears in the back seat.

"That's impossible, I've been asking Alex for one of his cars for year and he's never given me one." Rachel complains.

"Guess I'm special." I shrug as I put the key into the engine and start the car. I hand Leslie my phone so she can turn on some music.

"Girl you've gotta use that magic for me. Convince him to give me one of his cars." Rachel says.

"Sure, just remind me." I say and Leslie turns on Good days by SZA. Which is one of my favorites by the way. We all scream the lyrics of the songs that play as i drive to the dress store. After about 20 minutes we pull into the parking lot so we all get out and enter the store and start shopping immediately.

"So, Rachel when your brother says party does he mean we have to dress fancy or like a college party?" I ask looking through a rack of dresses.

"College Party definitely." Rachel says and I pull out the perfect dress. It's an all black body-con lace dress. I pull it off the rack and hold it up to my body.

"How do you guys like this one?" I ask.

"Looks like Lingerie." Rachel says.

"Perfect, I'm gonna try it on." I say.

"Okay we'll be in there soon." Leslie says as I walk away towards the fitting rooms. I put on the dress and look in the mirror and my jaw drops. I look amazing. I hear Leslie and Rachel talking as they walk in so I wait for them to put on their dresses as well so we can all walk out at the same time.

"Okay you guys ready?" I yell over the stalls.

"Yup." They say at the same time.

"Okay, three..two..one." I count down and we all walk out of the fitting rooms and look at each-other.

"You guys look amazing!" I yell.

"Look at you! You look gorgeous." Leslie says and Rachel nods in agreement. Leslie has on a satin red dress that dips in the middle and Rachel is wearing a white dress that laces us in the middle with poofy sleeves. We all admire each other for a moment and then we agree that this is the dress we're all getting, so we change back into our regular clothes and lay for the dresses so we can go home and get ready for the party.

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