Chapter 2

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You stepped into Peacemakers trailer, you were forced to give up your weapons before hand. They didn't trust you and you didn't trust them either, that's exactly why you still have a blade hidden in your shoe.

Harcourt, Economos and Adebayo were all armed and set at different points around the trailer, while you had to trial behind Murn like a defenceless little puppy.

"Fuck, fuck! I knew it was too fucking good to be true, Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! My life fucking sucks.  Ah, fuck! Ah, nah I'm-I'm-I'm good. I'm fucking-I'm good. FUCK!"

"You only served four years of your 30 year sentence, and you thought we were gonna let you go scot-free?" Murn said taking a seat in front of Peacemaker, the rest of us standing behind him.

"Yeah. I killed Rick Flag for you people!"

You burst out laughing "I'm sorry- I'm sorry" You covered your mouth and Peacemaker made eye contact with you, confusion evident on his face.

You could feel everyone else's eyes on you, you could feel the pity. You were excited to break the news to Peacemaker, tell him exactly whose little sister was stood in front of him.

"No one ever told you to kill Flag" Harcourt spoke after a moment of silence.

"Waller said do whatever I had to do to make sure those project starfish files didn't get out"

"Oh, eat a dick!" your arms dropped from being crossed over your chest. "don't act like you did the world some great big favour, you're not a hero" you stepped closer to him.

"Oh,yeah. Then what the hell am I then?" he looked up from his place on his sofa at you.

"A fucking Villain and not the good kind. I know all about your brother and yeah it's fucking sad but what gives you the right to do the same to someone else's" you could feel tears pickle up in your eyes and your voice cracked ever so slightly but you contained your composure.

You looked behind you to see everyone looking down at their hands trying to avoid the obvious awkwardness. You had over stepped and you knew it, you knew it even more when you saw Peacemakers face.

He stood up "what are you talking about?" he looked down at you and then moved his eyes to the others behind you "what the fuck if she talking about?" You looked back to see Murn rubbing his temples before standing.

"Peacemaker, this is Y/N" he throws his hand out towards you "Y/N Flag, she's Flags younger sister. You killed her brother" and just like that he sat back down.

You watched Peacemakers eyes almost pop out of his head as he turned back to look at you, the anger on your face must have been visible because he gulped and sat back down. He was speechless, after a moment he crocked up "are you hear to kill me?" He asked.

"Yes" you answered as the rest of the room answered "No" they all looked at you.

"I made the only choice I could" Peacemaker looked at the floor, you were about to respond but Harcourt beat you to it. "Funny, for you, how often the only choice and killing people coincides." you couldn't have said it better yourself.

"As I said, Villain"

"Villain or not we need his help" Murn looked at you, his way of telling you to get into check. He wasn't even your boss yet but he was definitely acting like he was.

"What the fuck is he doing" Peacemaker asked staring at Economos, we all turned to look at him.

"I have low blood sugar, okay? So I'm dizzy" he explained, that's still not a very good reason to go digging through peoples fridges but ok.

"You showed you were loyal, you're a born killer with an expertise in every weapon know to human kind and you've had experience in black ops around the globe. So I'm giving you the chance to stay out of prison and work for me"

"And you are?" Peacemaker asked and honestly you kinda wanted to know the same, you only knew him by his last name.

"Name's Murn"

"Clemson Murn?"

"That's right" oh shit

You walked over to Harcourt and grabbed her by the arm "can I talk to you for a minute?" You looked her in the eyes. She nodded and pulled her arm back and you both slipped out the trailer door behind her.

As soon as the door closed she tuned to you, anger on her face "What?" She said her tone sharper than normal, she was mad and she was about to get madder.

"I don't know what you and Economos have gotten yourself involved in but you both need to get out of it"

"What the hell are you talking about Y/N?"

"My brother would work with a lot of bad people, Waller for example but he'd never work with a man named Clemson Murn" you're voice steady and serious.

"And?" She raised an eyebrow

"And he's fucking dangerous" you raised your voice

"Oh please don't act like you give a shit"

"What? You're my friends, I'm just trying to look out for you both"

"We were your friends Y/N, not anymore. So good news you don't have to look out for anyone but yourself which is something your very familiar with so it really shouldn't be a problem" before you could even think of a response she went back into the trailer, leaving you in a state of shock outside in the cold by yourself.

Oh fuck this, you thought to yourself. You knew you were supposed to go back in, you knew they had probably planned on having you join the team from the very start and that they'd be consequences if you didn't but honestly you didn't give a flying fuck. You had been living in your car for the past few months, eating fast food and you were also completely alone so what the hell did you have left to loose. You got in your car and drove off.

You had only just left when your phone buzzed

Unknown number
Fennel fields 7:30.

Who is this?

Unknown number
The man your brother wouldn't work with.

Oh shit, he heard you.

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