Chapter 12

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You were all now back in the car and Peacemaker was on the phone to Murn.

"Put it on speaker phone." You say and he's does just that.

"What the fuck, Murn? The only way to get the cops off our tail was to frame my dad for what I did?"

"It wasn't the plan. It was an impulsive decision."

"It's my dad, man! Jesus! Did you ever have a fucking dad?"

"I did, I wasn't created in a Petri dish. If you wanna come back we can talk about this like adults."

"No! No! My dads in jail, I'm going to see him."

"Smith, I don't think that's wise."

"Yeah. Neither do I. We are not going to see your dad, Chris."  You say.

"Wait, Y/N is there? Put her on the phone." 

"Why?" Chris objects.

"Because she's the responsible one. Now put her on."

"Oh, yeah? Well, fuck you, man! You people only fucking care about yourselves anyway!" Peacemaker yelled at him and then hung up.

"I am not taking you to see your dad, Chris." You look at him in the rear-view mirror.

He beg and pleaded for a full 5 minutes until you gave in and now Adrian was also looking at Peacemaker weird.

"What?!" He finally got annoyed and asked him.

"Just, I told you those people weren't best friend material."

"You were right."

"What? No, he's not! What about Harcourt? You like her and she wouldn't have been so stupid as to have framed your dad." You try to reason with him.

"She's still not best friend material!" Adrain shouted.

"Oh, Adrian. Sweetie. He doesn't want to be her friend." You say laughing a little while taking one hand off the wheel to caress his face.

"Ugh. God. You two are so gross." Peacemakers says.

"Oh, yeah? Well you wish you were as gross as us with Harcourt." You bite back, raising your eyebrows at him in the rear-view mirror.

"No. I just want to fuck her until she screams."

"Oh, God." You say disgusted.

"Oh, yeah!" Adrain says nodding his head with a big smile and you give him the side eye.

"Uh. I mean not cool, man!" He quickly amends and you smile but try to hide it, but you could tell he caught it from the way he was looking at you.

"Hey, Vig. I'm sorry, man, I wasn't more compassionate about you being tortured and everything." Peacemaker apologies to Adrian, for real this time.

"By everything you mean how he was disfigured and how you then gaslighted him?" You questioned him, with just a little bit of sass or maybe a lot of sass.

"Aw, get out of here! Are you kidding me? Come on, that's- that's stupid dude. I-I was being stupid." Adrian kissed up to Peacemaker again.

"Oh. Come on, dude. Grow a back bone and some balls while your at it." You didn't actually mean to say that out loud but whatever.

Adrian turned to you with surprise on his face. "You know I'm right! I'm saying this for your own good. You're practically sired to the man, you won't even let him apologise, an a apology which you very much deserve by the way."

"Sired?" Peacemaker questioned from the back.

"Yeah. It's from The Vampire Diaries." Adrian turned around to tell him. He's watched The Vampire diaries? Green flag.

"So, do you accept his apology?" You turn to Adrain. "You don't have to, I just want to hear the end of this constant bickering."

"Oh, that's never gonna stop." Peacemaker informs you.

"Yeah. It's a best friend thing. You wouldn't get it. But I do accept his apology."

"And I was being stupid not you." Peacemaker says to Adrain.

"Pinky toes aren't that important."

"Yeah, you were being weird about that."

"He just wanted your attention. He wanted to see if you cared about him enough to show sympathy." You chimed in.

"What?" Peacemaker asked.

"He didn't actually care about his pinky toe. You not doing anything while he was being tortured shook his world a little bit, made his second guess the things he thought he knew. So, he made a bigger deal out of his pinky toe than was needed to see if you'd feel bad."

Adrain stared at you with his mouth open. "Dude, did you tell her all that?" Peacemaker asked him.

"No." He said barley moving a muscle, still staring at you. "Witch." He whispered but you heard him.

"Ok. If you want to get laid then I suggest you don't call me a witch." You told him, a slight smirk on your face and he flashed you big toothy grin.

"Hey, Chris. If your dad's a racist, shouldn't you kill him?" He said turning around to look a Peacemaker.

"No! I'm not gonna kill my dad." Peacemaker looked at him like he was insane, which he kinda was.

"Why not?" Adrian questioned.

"Because he loves him." You told him.

"Oh." He said. You realised then that Adrian didn't understand the concept of love, that wasn't a problem for you though, you just wanted a stress reliever not a relationship and he just wanted a bit of fun.

"My dad and I both hate crime. It's the only thing we agree on and he makes me stuff, okay?" Peacemaker says.

"Sure. Yeah, no, I mean, my dad never made me anything. He was too busy off pretending to be gay just to get away from me." Adrain said and you have a Peacemaker a dirty look in the rear-view mirror.

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