𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢-𝙵𝚒𝚟𝚎

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Robyn's Pov

After I saw Jordyn ask Kamryn to the winter formal, I realized I still haven't asked Jade. I knew she was at her locker, so I hurriedly rushed straight to it after getting what I needed from my own locker.

"Hey love, you want to walk me to class?"

She asked me with a bright smile.

I didn't have homeroom with her, so I agreed and interlocked our fingers.

"I want to take you out after school, if you have time."

I wanted to make my proposal to the winter formal romantic—that's the least I could do.

"That's fine with me, even though I was planning on taking you out at six."

She replied while looking at me.

"We'll still have time since our date will span from five to eight."

I reassured her while softening my tense grip on her hands; I don't know why I was so nervous, but I was.

When I looked up, I saw that we were at Jade's class already. Before leaving, I gave her a small peck on the lips, and wished her well before walking to my class. She smiled brightly and told me to have a good day, then walked into her class.

Jade met me after class, and that happened until I had my period before lunch, with Mrs. Macstenine; physics class.

When I walked in, Saige jumped on me, resulting in me busting my ass.

"Saige, I will milly-rock yo ass."

I gritted while pushing him off of me.

"No you won't, but I need a favor."

He told me while standing up and dusting himself off.

"Oh, so we're just gonna act like you didn't just hop on me."

I said sarcastically, while rolling my eyes.

"I'm serious Rob, just tell Jordyn to meet me after class."

He pleaded with begging hand gestures.

"You're lucky we're friends, 'cause I should fuck you up."

I warned him while walking to my seat by Kamryn.

"Kam, can you tell Jay to meet Saige after class."

I asked while looking at her.


She replied while asking no questions.

When our teacher walked in, I paid some attention to the lesson. I already understood most of the stuff she taught us—plus I was passing this class with a ninety-two percent average.

Yeah, I'm smart.

The rest of the class passed by exceedingly quick, so I was already making my way to the door. Then Benedict abruptly stopped me while I was making my way to Jordyn and Saige.

"Hey Rob, can you help me with something?"

He asked me in all seriousness—hopefully he's not asking me out.

"Sure, depends on what it is since I'm helping out everyone at this point."

I replied while diverting my path towards Jordyn's locker.

"Well, can you tell Jordyn to hook me up with their friend—Chandler."

He told me—Chandler? I'm surprised to say the very least.

"Damn, well sure."


Jordyn's Pov

At this point, everyone has been asking me to get then with another person.

For instance:

Evangeline wanted me and Kris to reserved date for her and Victoria. Saige wants me to hook him and Vivienne up. Then Chandler wants me to ask Robyn, to hook him up with Benedict.

Like just ask them since they seem to want one another.

I had about thirty seconds to sprint to my next class, but I needed to get a few things from my locker. When I hurriedly rushed there, Robyn was waiting for me.

"If it's about Chandler, he Benedict wants him too"

I told her before rushing away.

I didn't have time to hear her speak because I was about to be late to class.

"Text or call me about it later!"

I yelled out while turning the corner to my class.

Thankfully I wasn't late, but the class ended crazy-quick. I zoned out through most of my classes until I had to go to gym class.

It was my last class of the day, and I was ready to burn out all of my energy.

Forty minutes passed, and I was in the locker room, alone of course.

It was fine, and I was doing my usual until I heard the door open. Like always I glance at the door, hoping the person walking through is Kamryn, but goodness was I wrong.

In came, a group of girl's that at least one of the members of my crew; Jade, Chandler, Robyn, Vivienne, Victoria, Benedict, Roman, Kris, Evangeline, Saige, and Kamryn; wronged or fought. Even these annoying girls, Kelecia and Layla, that Storm and Indigo fought.

"So, Jordyn, since you matter most to the group—we finna whoop yo ass."

Olivia quickly cut Brittany off.

I'll be damned if I get beat by a group of girls while half-naked, in some boxers and a binder.

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