(3) Forbidden Boyfriend -Star-Crossed Lovers pt.2-

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Alexa, play 'Love Story' by Taylor Swift.

I stare down at my lap before looking back up to face the disappointment and anger flooding my family's eyes. Andres had taken Camilo and me into the dining room, and he rounded up all of the Bendicións to snitch on what he'd seen in town.

Camilo sits next to me, and it looks could kill, he'd be absolutely massacred. Abuelo glares at my boyfriend, and Camilo tries to sit up straight in his chair to look tougher than he actually was.

My mother looks at me with tears in her eyes. "(Yn), how could you do this to your familia? Have we taught you nothing?"

My Abuelo shakes his head in what I think is either frustration or sadness. His eyebrows scrunch together. "(Yn), sweetheart, I am very disappointed in you. You went behind our backs, disobeyed me, and you're actually dating one of the Madrigals? What do you have to say for yourself?"

I glance around at my family. They all look at me expectantly. My gaze lands on Camilo. His beautiful brown eyes were glazed over by a layer of water, and a single tear drips down his cheeks. He hangs his head and he bunches his hands into tight fists. He looked so helpless; like a kicked puppy.

I slowly place my hand on top of one of his fists, and he quickly looks at me. I give him a tiny smile. Tears were threatening to spill from my own eyes now, but I slowly stand up anyway. "I don't care what any of you say. Your stupid feud isn't going to dictate whether or not I love someone, and it most certainly is not going to keep me from Camilo. You can say what you want, but you can't control me." I stare at my shocked grandfather. "You all may be too petty to look past some decades-old rivalry, but I'm not."

Abuelo slams his fist on the table. "(Yn), enough!" He stands up. "And you," he points a finger at Camilo, who shrinks down into his seat. "You are forbidden from going anywhere near my nieta ever again. You may be young, but I will not hesitate to give you a piece of my mind if I ever see you with anyone from my familia. Do I make myself clear, Madrigal? I know your type, all your family does is lie and do things only for your own gain. You're nothing but a snake."

Camilo sinks even further down into his seat as I stand up taller. "You have no right to talk to him that way! Camilo is the sweetest, most caring boy I've ever met! He would never do anything to hurt me!" I look over to Camilo, who glances up at me with a small smile on his face. "Based on how you all have been acting, I'm starting to think the real snakes aren't the Madrigals. They're you!"

The room filled with Bendicións let out a collective gasp. Abuelo looks taken aback, and almost looks like he wants to cry. But quickly regains his posture. He glares at Camilo. "Get out of my house." He firmly states.

Andres approaches us from behind and creates another teleportation portal. This time leading to Casa Madrigal. Camilo stands up and quickly takes my hand in his own and squeezes it three times before walking through the portal.

The tears finally come flowing down my cheeks like a waterfall.

Abuelo looks at me sadly and walks over to me. "It'll be alright sweetheart-" he's about to hug me and I back away from him.

"Don't touch me!" I yell. "I-I'm going to my room." My voice wavers, and I dart out of the room.

I wipe away the tears that stream down my face as I stomp up the stairs into my room. As my bedroom door slams shut behind me, my body begins flickering like a candle. Turning invisible and then visible again. It was always something that happened to me when I became extremely stressed or upset. I've never been able to figure out how to get it under control. I sigh. "Great, just great," I mutter. I take deep breaths in and out.

I slowly walk towards my wardrobe and swing it open. I carefully pick up a small red box that's hidden behind the clothes and pull it out. My fingers slightly tremble from crying as I open the wooden lid. Inside the box were two items. The first was a folded-up piece of paper with a rough sketch I drew of Camilo one afternoon when we snuck out together. The second was a dried-up rose in my favorite color. I still remember when he gave it to me on our first secret date. I smile as I fondly remember the memory.

I was surprised to discover that going through my old mementos helped me feel a little bit better. I carefully hide my box back in my wardrobe. I knew my family would take it from me if they ever found it, and I wasn't about to let them take one of the last things I had to remember Camilo by.

I turn my head when I hear a small 'pang' on my window. I approach my small balcony and open the door. I feel the golden glow of the setting sun wash over me like a warm blanket. As I step onto the balcony I feel the summer air welcome me. I peek below the balcony and to my surprise, Camilo is standing below me. "I would serenade you, but I really don't want to find out what your grandfather meant when he said he'd give me a piece of his mind,' if he ever saw me again," Camilo says with a laugh.

I chuckle. He'd always be able to find a way to make me laugh when I was upset. "I'm coming down," I say.

"Hurry up! I miss you!" Camilo whines from below.

I laugh to myself as I walk back into my room. I quickly look in my mirror and cringe at my reflection. My eyes were puffy and red from crying, and I had had tears stained down my cheeks. I quickly splash some cold water on my face and walk to the bedroom door. Carefully, I creak open the door, checking to make sure nobody would see me. I take a deep breath and turn invisible, fading away from sight.

I slowly slip through the crack between the door and the wall, and quietly make my way down the hall. My gift had always come in handy for entering and exiting the house, and since getting together with Camilo, I've practically memorized every creaky floorboard that could betray my stealth.

I make it outside and run around the house to where Camilo was still waiting. I quickly dash over to him, wrapping my arms tightly around his torso as my invisibility cloak fades. Camilo jumps a little. "(Yn), geez! You scared me!" He says it with a playfully annoyed tone, but he returns the hug regardless.

"So where are we going to go, forbidden boyfriend?" I ask as Camilo and my fingers intertwine.

Camilo leads me away from the house, never taking his eyes off of me. "Well, 'forbidden girlfriend',
I do have one idea."


I gasp in awe as Camilo leads me into a small, secluded field a little ways away from Encanto. A singular blanket was lying on the grass along with a parcel of some kind.

"What's in the bag?" I ask.

Camilo walks over to it and kneels on the blanket. He carefully opens the parcel and holds up a small item of food. "Arepas!" He happily exclaims, patting a spot next to him on the blanket. "I stole them from the kitchen on the way here."

"You've been stealing? Maybe my family was right about you." I tease, sitting down next to him.

Camilo shrugs. "Suit yourself. More for me." He takes a bit of the arepa.

"That doesn't mean I don't want any!" I quickly say, snatching an arepa from the bag.

Camilo laughs at my behavior. "You're so cute." He says.

My cheeks turn a rosy shade of pink. I was just glad the sun had begun to go down; hopefully, Camilo wouldn't see me blush.

"(Yn), look."


Camilo gently rotates my head to the sky. Sparkling stars were flying through the sky, leaving little trails of glitter behind them. I look to the wide ocean of stars above us, and without taking my eyes off them I whisper, "Make a wish."

I close my eyes in deep thought, trying to decide what I wanted to wish for until it finally came to me.

I wish someday Camilo and I can finally be together.

I look to Camilo who had the reflection of a thousand galaxies in his eyes. He looks at me with a hopeful gaze.

Something told me we wished for the same thing.

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