Log #1239

39 3 20

Log#1239 6:34 PM: "Today in school we were supposed to find a group and then each tells part of the story of human history and I got the most recent part of history so I guess here it is. Since the success well not success but the accomplishment of not only landing on the moon but also having people live on the moon by 2050. Since then we've explored much farther reaching places as far as Andromeda galaxy, the nearest galaxy to our own. We haven't done this quickly though. It took us, humans, almost two decades. We had to discover these planets because even with the success of the Beniquin equation, a revolutionary equation written by Summer Beniquin that almost got rid of all climate change. Sadly, humans were polluting the earth faster than the equation could get rid of it. We heated the earth until it was unlivable and we were forced to evacuate. Luckily we had the tech to change what planet we inhabited. Humans evacuated to the closest suitable planet, a planet called 7yl1s. It has renewable water and is close to the same atmosphere as earth. The only difference was that gravity was a little lower. There was one problem though. The air had some toxicity and humans could not breathe it safely. Slowly we have been trying to become immune and used to the toxicity in the air. This is why we spend almost all of our time inside our small cramped bases. We have bases that hold 16 families each. Sadly we don't have houses because NASA didn't have enough time to build 8 billion houses. I can't think of a good way to end this log so... bye"

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