Chapter 1

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July 5, 6:46 AM: My morning started in the best way, with my little sister screaming about how hungry she was. She probably woke everyone who was in our base which is base number 1309, the bases weren't very big anyway so it wouldn't have been that hard. Since it was a weekend I was hoping to get some extra sleep or about as much extra sleep as our cramped claustrophobic sleep pods would allow. See NASA had the tech to bring better beds but as with a lot of things they didn't have enough time. I tried to stand up forgetting about the inch between my head and the top of my pod. I promptly smacked my head on the ceiling of my sleep pod. "Ow" escaped my lips before I could stop it. "Are you okay?" asked my mom groggily. "Yeah I'm fine," I said while rubbing the spot where I hit my head. "Well, the Leigh since you're up why don't you take your sister to get breakfast." Oh yeah I forgot to mention who my family is so I will start with myself Leigh Statles, 14 my sister Susie Statles 8, and my mom and dad Mary and Gregory Statles, 43 and 42. I got out of bed and went to my family's only dresser to get dressed. The second my clothes were on, Susie grabbed my hand and started to pull me to the cafeteria. You would think that out of the 16 families that lived on our base one out of all those people would be a good cook but nope. Another problem was that even with a great cook the food would still be disgusting... The only food that we had was grown in a lab to make it last as long as possible so things as good as ice cream were not exactly tasty.

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