The News- Chapter One- Amelia's POV

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"I can't believe we are moving to a town no one has even heard of." I exclaim. " Come on Amelia its not going to be that bad. It will be very relaxing from all the drama in our lives." "Christina if you wanted us to relax you could have planned a trip to Florida or something like that. Not a freakin town which looks so creepy.. "But Amelia that is why we should go there. Imagine all the things we can explore and find out about the history and stuff."

"Um no way this sounds like its going to be like a field trip or something. This will make me feel like I am back at school. Listening to boring teachers talking about boring things that nobody cares about.." And that is why you failed a couple classes, Christina whispered. " " Excuse me what was that. " " What are you talking about I haven't even said anything. I felt my chest tighten as Christina started smirking. Humph that girl thinks that I am deaf or something, think again. "

Ok whatever, so we are not really doing this right, I said. while hope was blooming in my chest like a flower. Then like how my sister is who always has to break my hopes. " No I am not joking around. This is for real. " Nooooo it can't be . While falling to the ground. The little hope in my chest exploded, got burnt, and died. " Why Christina why do you have to do this to me. I can't believe you would do this to me. Its so unfair, what have I ever done to you.
"Girl please don't even let me get started on what you have done to me. Like that one time when you had to follow me to the mall and embarrass me in front of my friends, Also that one time when you pour glitter glue all over me. And that one time... Okay, Okay I get it this is some sort of punishment for all the things I have done to you. I sighed, wow can't believe I am going to a old town.
For the rest of my Summer Break with my sister. Ugh great soo fun. then I rolled my eyes since it was so stupid. " " Did you just roll your eyes. " No Christina I didn't. Gosh this girl doesn't miss anything I do. Hate when she does that. " So Amelia start packing your stuff for the trip." " Ugh since you are making me do this can you please, please, please pack my stuff for me. "

No" " Come on" " Still a no" " Why not I whined." The answer is easy because I don't want to. " Christina you are the most meanest person in the entire world. " Whatever" Sometimes I can not stand my sister she get on my nerves so much. I started dragging my feet up the stairs since I know how she hates it. " Amelia you are the most immaturest sixteen year old I know." "

Well you are the most boringest twenty- three year old I know." Wow such a nice come back she said while rolling her eyes. I then stuck my tongue at her since she hated that too . So I went to my room and started throwing things into my two big suitcases. How the heck am I supposed to even carry this to the airport. I know I could ride in those car thingies for old people. "

Amelia !" " What !." " Remember that we are leaving for the airport tomorrow morning so you have to sleep early today. "I know I'm not stupid" " I wasn't calling you stupid I was jut trying to help you." " Okay I don't need your help though since I got it." After saying that I put my head back in my room. Then I realized that I needed to say goodbyes. So I stood up and walked to my bed. " Bed, Bed you were my most dearest friend in the whole world besides my sister.
You always made yourself comfortable so that I could sleep on you for hours . I could sleep hours away until Christina dragged me off of you. So I could wake up. sometimes you were bad for me especially on school nights when I don't want to wake up.
But now I have to go I'm sorry but I will be cheating on you. Since I would be sleeping on another bed. I jumped on my bed and started thinking maybe I was to harsh on my poor older sister. I mean she didn't have to do this. So starting tomorrow I will try to be nicer to my sister if I don't get tired of it fast. But now let me enjoy some Netflix. Im just going to enjoy it for a few hours.

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