Chapter 2: Entering New Lands

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No One's POV:

The Terrarian woke up and went straight to his closet. Upon opening it an armor set was revealed. The Demon Shade set of armor was very durable and even gave him a few buffs, yet such amazing armor was sitting in a closet collecting dust.

Dusting off the armor he took off of the armor stand he had it on and proceeded to out it on. The familiar feeling the weight of the armor weighing him down instantly greeted him, "..." While he didn't express it he did enjoy having the familiar feeling of armor on back.

Walking to the armor rack he grabbed a few weapons which he immediately stored. Opening his door he walked outside his eyes not needing to adjust due the helmet of his armor blocking most of the sunlight.

Knowing he had to get to the village fast he left his house running, the only evidence he was there was the trail of dirt and dust left from where he ran.

Arriving at the village he saw the villagers at the portal discussing something, "We should attack immediately!" The demolistonist was heard in the distance.

Once he arrived they all looked at him seemingly wanted his opinion on the matter. "Terrarian what do you think? Should we attack or try talking it out?" The Princess asked in a tone which seemed to reveal that she did not want to fight.

The Terrarian did not respond with words only pointing at the gate and then his armor, "See! Even he agrees with me!" The demolistionist said in his seemingly always loud voice.

As The Terrarian was walking to the gate he was stopped by The Princess, "At least take someone with you. After all you barley talk," she pointed out as if him not talking often was not common knowledge.

"Come..." The Terrarian said simply while pointing to The Guide, he trusted The Guide a lot as he was always there for The Terrarian.

Taking one last look around he took in all of the destruction which was brought upon them. The buildings were still destroyed, burn and scorch marks littered the ground, and blood stains were littering the stone and grass.

He proceeded to walk to the gate with the mindset to take vengeance and strike down anyone who may get in the way of it.

Finally walking through he just vanished with no trace of him left. Before the Guide could walk through the Gate also seemingly just disappeared, "This isn't good" The Guide said stating the obvious.

The Gate reappeared in another place in a whole other world, this would make it quite difficult for The Terrarian to get home.

Terrarian's POV:

I ended up on the other side if the portal. I looked around before realizing The Guide was no where to be seen, "..." I was quite annoyed but I assumed something must of happened so I was not to mad.

I have been sitting on this hill for a while now, don't know how long I lost track of time once I started to day dream. I was only brought back to reality once I heard what sounded like a machine behind me.

I turned around to see people in a vehicle of sorts, some people where ontop of it other besides it. They all were in a weird uniform with guns. I did not get on the aggressive as they stood little to not threat to me.

Some random person spoke, "Who are you and what are you intentions?" They seemed like an average joe and from what I could see they were. "..." I didn't say anything but I put my hands up showing that I did not want to fight.

After a while of charades they finally found out that I was not from this world and ended up here by accident.

The people in the weird uniforms let me stay with them as they 'felt bad' to leave me to be out in the wilderness by myself. I gave then a thankful smile and followed them to my living quarters.

No One's POV:
Unknown City

"It was an embarrassment, Your Majesty," an unknown man stated, "We lost 60% of the empire's military might." Everyone in the chamber area gasped, "What would you have us do? How would you guide the state?"

The king then spoke,"Marquess Casel, think about how the people must feel. It is true that our latest losses have cost us our military advantage. They worry that vassals of out state and others may revolt and attack the Imperial Capital itself. How pathetic."

The man now know as Marquess Casel gasped in amusement. The king then continued to speak "Every time our empire is in danger. The Emperor, the Senate, and the people become one to confront the danger, and bring about even more progress. No war is won without some loss. Therefore I will not hold anyone responsible for our recent losses. To think another nation dares surround the Imperial Capital...I trust none of you will waste time in court." The people in the chamber began to laugh a little at this.

"To pass over all responsibility..." Marquess seemed annoyed at what the king was doing, an old man the spoke up "But what shall we do? The army we sent was defeating in just two days. And now the gate has been captured, and the enemy is attempting to set up base on this side. Of course. We attempted to take back the hill as well. But the enemies in the distance...I have never seen such sorcery." Then someone from the stands in the chamber spoke up "We ought to fight them! If we do not have enough men, we need only to recruit them from our tributaries. Attack the other side of the gate once more!" The stands then started to speak over each other causing chaos in the chamber.

The king then proceeded to raise his hand which seemed to quiet everyone down, "I do not wish to sit idly by. Therefore, we must fight." Everyone gasped at this. "Send delegates to our tributaries and neighboring states. Ask for help in defending the continent from these men from another world. We will lead the Allied Army of Gody Rino Gwaban in an attack on Arnus Hill." Everyone started to clap and cheer at this.

"Your Majesty. it will be a bloodbath." The king gave a cocky smirk at this.

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