Chapter 9

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I'm so happy, my throat feels choked and when he sets me up straight and presses me against his chest, my heart overflows

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I'm so happy, my throat feels choked and when he sets me up straight and presses me against his chest, my heart overflows. He's here, Gi-Kyong's here and he's holding me and the other guy ...

I freeze and slowly Gi-Kyong draws back from his embrace. My eyes search the ground until I see the still form of the fake general. "Is he dead?" I whisper?

Solemnly, Gi-Kyong nods. He helps me up and holds me when I wobble. "Come, we must leave this place, before he's found."


His eyebrows rise when I walk towards my deceased colleague and look for the little box. Nobody must find him, nobody must know he is not a real general. I don't know how he got the guards to follow him, but they will soon find out he wasn't really one of them. They can't find him, not like this, not with the dot on his face.

I kneel down beside his body and search with trembling hands for the black rectangle. Behind me I sense Gi-Kyong coming closer. When I find the device, I stand up and point it at the ground. My own dot is a few feet away and I pick it up. For a moment I stand still again, weighing my options. I can leave and forget everything that's happened here, leave events to unfold for themselves. When I look at Gi-Kyong, the man who has saved me again and again, I know that's not really an option anymore. The other thing I can do is send my colleague back, and hope they won't send anyone else after him. But won't they come to investigate the murder? They will want answers and who's to say they won't want it from me?

If he never returns, perhaps they will leave us be.

Making my decision, I kneel down again and peel the dot from his temple. His skin is already turning cold, his lips are blue and my hands shake so much I almost drop the dots.

"I have to destroy them", I whisper to myself. I look around, ignore Gi-Kyong who's lowered his mask and has a puzzled expression on his face, and walk towards some rocks nearby. I squat, place both dots on top op a flat surface, pick up an other boulder and smash the tiny machines to bits. A few well aimed smacks, that's all it takes to seal my fate. When I stand up and the realization of what I just did dawns on me, I turn around with startled eyes and glance at Gi-Kyong. "I can never go back", I say, my voice strangely calm. The rock slips from my fingers and hits the ground next to my boot.

I lower my gaze to the device in my other hand. That might also be traceable, so I turn back to the rocks and pulverize it. Black plastic shards litter the ground and the insides crackle and sputter before the lights die. Tired of the ordeal, I allow myself to fall back. Gi-Kyong is there in an instant, catching me, holding me up, supporting me.

"I can never go back again", I repeat slowly. I turn my face away from the broken twenty-first century equipment and look at the dead man. "We have to burn him. Nobody can ever find him."

My head spins back to Gi-Kyong. I read many different emotions on his face, until there's only resolve left. When he's ascertained I'm not going to pass out and am able to sit up myself, he stands up, finds a firm stick and begins to dig. When the hole is roughly the size of a man and half a foot deep, he pulls the man at his feet into it, looks at him for a few seconds and walks to the same rocks where I changed my life. He takes something out of the bag he carries and starts a fire.

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