Chapter 29 Merciless guilt.

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Around midnight it was absolutely quite and dark.

Jungkook standing in middle of nowhere when he sees a girl's lifeless body dropped down out of nowhere.
Absolutely horrified he goes close to her to find.

Absolutely horrified he goes close to her to find

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"S... SUNIE! SUNIE !  WAKE UP! WAKE UP ! ", he begged crying desperately trying to wake her up.
"YOU CAUSED HER DEATH NOW WITNESSES HERS AS WELL ", a voice suddenly intrupted him.
It was someone in black hoodie and mask
"Help me please, help me ", diya cries for help as group of men holds her up.
She looked tortured and miserable as that mask men processed towards her with a knife .
"NO!  NO! ", Jungkook yelled at him to Stop
He couldn't move as his feet starting sinking into the sand below.
Right in front of his eyes the man stabbed her multiple times as she falls down.
Suddenly freed he dashed towards her his hands stained red in her blood as she lied onto his lap.
"How could you do that to me",  she said in her last breath before dying in his arms.

"Y...YOU ", he immediately attacked the man in the mask upon removing he was horrified to see himself.

"YOU ARE THE REASON FOR THEIR DEATH ", he said pointing at both of them who started evaporating right before his eyes
He couldn't save either of them.

"YOU ARE THE REASON FOR THEIR DEATH ", he said pointing at both of them who started evaporating right before his eyesHe couldn't save either of them

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"NO!! ", Jungkook anxiously exclaimed waking up on his bed.
He was breathing heavily covered with sweat
"N...'s just a nightmare",  he said calming himself down.

It's been days since he last slept peacefully as he walked outside as usual watching the night sky with nothing but loneliness he has now left.

After two long weeks matter slowly started subsiding as Jungkook could finally return.

As soon as he reached he went straight into his studio in order to avoid Diya.
Within next few days his life returned to usual except something felt off.

Diya who used to be a cheerful positive person has now become very quite and scared.
Those traumatizing events had effected her already bad mental health to become worse.
She started to bottle up her emotions and  started to over work herself in order to keep herself distracted from those traumatic thoughts.

Jungkook felt extremely guilty every times he sees her.
He didn't dare to face her yet.
With this constant guilt laying heavy on his heart he couldn't focus on his music his performance started getting deteotiated to keep up with this constant pressure he started practicing untill late..

One night while he stayed up for his practices his practice got intrupted by loud screaming from some one.
He got startled.
Who can it be this late night he thought looking at the clock which showed 1 AM.
He immediately went out and to his suprise finds Diya crying curled up in a ball hiding under her desk..

"What the hell ", he exclaimed trying to pull her out.
She closed her eyes in terror and begined screaming and hitting him.
"Do.. don't touch me".
"Do.. don't touch me".
"Please let me go..".
"Let me go",  she begged as Jungkook was extremely startled didn't knew what to do.

"Open your eyes", he said shaking her a little.

As soon as she did she instinctly clinged onto Jungkook hugging him as tightly as she could with tears rolling down her eyes non stop

"They will take me back".
"I don't want to go back", she said desperately praying.

Jungkook hugged her back comferting
"Sush!! Calm down ".
"You are safe here".
"No body will take you anywhere this time ".
"You are hallucinating".
"You just had a nightmare".

As she calms down a little
As soon as she realises that she was hugging him she quickly pushed him away.

"G.... get away".
"I.. I d.. Don't.n..need your",  she said trying her best to not shutter.
She quickly composes herself wiping her tears off.
She soon realise that she had fallen a sleep while working as she then quickly started packing her stuff up to leave.
Jungkook still stood there watching her still all confused.
"It isn't safe outside this late",  Jungkook suddenly spoke.
Hearing this she gulped usually she has company of someone but today as she was a asleep they left.
She was scared but didn't wished to show to Jungkook.
She didn't say anything and just left the office with timid steps.

"Aish !! What a stubborn girl".
"Even after knowing its not safe she wants to roam around at this time".
He said getting frustrated as he remembered that night when she was  been followed by few drunk men.

"Aish! ", He sighed before following her quietly.
Fortunately she now lived near by and reached home safely.

She locked her door before sitting on her bed Her mind was full of what happened at the office.

His embrace was so comferting as his words made her feel so safe for a moment.
Her heart begained racing again as all those thoughts kept coming back.

"Aish stop it!!",  She said controlling herself.
"Just stop thinking about him that way for goodness sake",  diya get hold of yourself she cursed herself.

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