Chapter 39 Rest in peace.

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"Are you feeling better now?", Aunt Jae-hae asked her giving her a glass of water.
Diya nodded after drinking it.

"You must be hungry right?, Come with me",
She holds her hand  taking her inside.
"Here you go ", she said serving the food
Diya didn't dare to touch it.

"Aren't you angry? ", She finally asked her mind out.
'You should hate me too like every one does", she said in low tone.
" It's s been years since she went away remembering this will only cause misery and pain".
"I can't bring her back even if I wished to but we need to move on to live for people who love us who are still with us".
"Like my children in our orphanage".
"I believe in karma my daughter was  pure hearted child even if someone did intentionally harmed her he/she will get his / her Karma as well".

Hearing her talk reminded her of her mom she was just liker her
Caring and sweat.
"Have this",  she feeds her the first bite as she slowly eats it.

For few minutes there was absolute silence in the room.

"Well", aunt Jae-hae suddenly said breaking the silence.
"I actually have something to tell you", she said looking at Diya.
"Ye.. yeah o.. ofcourse", diya shutters.
"Well I wanted to apologise for my behaviour earlier".
"What I did was wrong".
"For 3 years I tried to move on but as soon as I saw you I thought my Sun-hi came back and then in Fit of rage I pushed you.
I shouldn't have done that..".
"Please don't say that", diya Said pleading her.
"Any one at your place even me would have done the same", she continued looking down.
"You were hurt right?", Aunt Jae-hae suddenly asked.
"Huh?", Diya looked at her in confusion.
"Back then when I pushed you ,you got hurt?".
Diya confidentiality nodes her head in NO.
"There was blood on the floor", Jae-hae said taunting her.
Diya looked down in embarrassment as she was caught lying again.
"You should really stop lying to me I can sence them", immediately aunt Jae-hae Said chuckling a little.
"So tell me something about your self ", aunt Jae-hae asked in order to lessen the awarkdness in between.
Diya begins telling about her normal life before the accident.
Surprisingly unlike she was scared about all this while nothing like that happened, they talked on for hours.
This wasn't what she had expected at all.

Next morning.

"I actually wanted to give you something ", Diya said taking out a box.
"Something which rightfully belong to her ", she said looking at her picture on the wall.
She gives the box to aunt Jae-hae who upon opening it she couldn't believe it.
A drop of tear suddenly dropped down her cheeks.
It was her most beloved necklace
The butterfly necklace Jungkook gave it to her.
Memories of Sun-hi happily wearing that necklace came flashing before her eyes as she couldn't control herself.

"Aunty...", diya said getting worried witnessing this sudden out burst.
"Oh!! I got lost for a moment", aunt Jae-hae said composing her self.

"Give it to her yourself", she abruptly said confusing diya.
"Bu.. but how can I...I mean...".
"Come with me dear ", aunt Jae-hae suddenly holds her hand and takes her somewhere.

Where are we going?
I..I don't feel good about this Diya thought as she hesitates to follow her.
Very soon they reached outside a building which appeared like a dome standing in middle of grass field In some what isolated space.
It was absolutely quite there.
Very few people around wearing mostly black.
Upon realising something Diya felt a wave of chill throughout her body.

Upon realising something Diya felt a wave of chill throughout her body

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Inside the hall way was lit with light everything sparkling clean.
There were huge shelf each made of many individual chamber of glass.
Diya had never seen anything like this in her life before, busy observing she didn't realised that they actually had actually stoped walking
"Aunty this... ", she was about to ask where they had came in but gets Inturpted.
"Here She is ", aunt Jae-hae said turning around now facing a shelf on the opposite direction.
As soon as she turned around her heart started beating faster and faster.

In a small shelf was her picture along with few other items presumably her most favourite one's.

"Upon hearing the news  we waited for her for days hoping it might be false probably a miracle saved her"

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"Upon hearing the news  we waited for her for days hoping it might be false probably a miracle saved her".
"Uh hm (she nodes in no ) She didn't ",aunt Jae-hae explained.
"Then I finally decided to accept the fate and do her l....last ri..rights",  saying those last words tears fall down her eyes.
"He didn't came here ", she now looked at Diya.
"Since past 3 years he didn't came back, not even on her funeral".
"We didn't know what had happened to her body back then".
"There was no news about her anywhere so I couldn't properly do her last rights",  she said explaining the lack of vase in her shelf alone.
Hearing this her heart started beating even faster it started hurting like hell she endured it quietly seeing aunt Jae-hae in this condition.
"If I could atleast touch her just one last time",  she sighed controlling herself while wiping her tears.
Diya suddenly held her hand suprising her a little and placed it onto her own chest.
She didn't knew why she did that.
She didn't say a word to explain just stood there closing her eyes.
Aunt Jae-hae could feel her heart beating
She could feel her daughter's heart beating as she looked at her smiling picture again.
She could feel her Sun-hi.

Diya soon realised that as soon aunt Jae-hae hand's touched her chest her heart pain started reducing untill she could not feel anything.
Suprised she opened her eyes and instinctly looked at Sun-hi.
Aunt Jae-hae chuckles a little realising something as she looks at her confused face.
She suddenly places a small kiss on her forehead "GOD BLESS YOU MY CHILD", She finally spoke.
"Here you go ", she then held out Sun-hi's  necklace and signals her to put it in.
Diya took a deep breath before she held the necklace and gently tieing it around her picture.
"Thank you Sun-hi for every thing ", she thought before bowing to show her respect.

"I.. I think I should go now", Diya said looking at the time.
Aunt Jae-hae nodes as they slowly walk outside.
"Aunty even after everything you still treated me like your own daughter, can you please do me one last favor", she pleaded her.
"Please keep this", she said holding the money she had left earlier..
"But dear...".
"Please aunty *,she said suddenly placing her hand on her chest again.
"She has already given me so much I can't ever return  back completely but I can surely do what she couldn't do , to take care of you and this place she loves the most".
"You have already given me so much in form of forgiveness that I always wished for this is nothing compared to that please aunty do me this last favor ", she pleaded handing her all the money.
"Aish! This child ", aunt Jae-hae finally said accepting her help at last.
With that diya begins to walk outside when she is suddenly stopped by her question

"You will came back to visit your aunt Jae-hae right ? ", Diya didn't replied instead just smiled before slowing walking away.

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