Chapter 43: Amidst the Ruins

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I turned around in a second, needing to look at the man, feeling as if I'd make an attack far too easy for him with my back turned to him. I recognised this need for control for its uselessness. I've made the attack easy for him just by being there.

The cloaked figure stood proudly on the wall, shoulders straight, head high, fists relaxed, like he was about to take a stroll through the gardens instead of fighting his enemies. He was tall, much taller than Ace, and younger too. The swaying black cloak attached itself around his neck, and underneath it, an eye-made necklace jingled. The dead, bloodshot eyes bulged and moved, focusing on either me or Ace, depending on where the mage's own eyes glanced.

There was a determination in his light blue, almost silver eyes, his sharp facial features, long, elegant nose and strong, squared jaw. What surprised me the most was how handsome he was. Somehow, I thought he'd be ugly. Surely evil could not hide behind beauty.

Ace froze next to me, now seeming powerless and small in front of this larger-than-life figure.

Soterios offered a grin, baring his straight, white teeth, "What a coincidence! I thought you had given up on engaging with humans, Ace."

"Ah," Ace stepped back, frightening me more with his reluctance than the other mage did with his presence, "Humans are my curse."

Soterios's eyes slid to me, "Not only humans, it seems."

Feeling naked and exposed, I averted my gaze, finding solace in the wall's stony structure. I wanted to turn around and check my companions desperately, but I did not dare. Rixen and Nik surely managed to reach the treeline and run for the Waiting Tower.

"You've done some unnecessary damage to this town." Ace murmured, his fists clenching in an attempt to call forth his magic. But the shadows did not want to come to him. Nothing reached behind the veil of some other world.

"This?" Soterios glanced over his shoulder at the fire still relentlessly devouring the town of Dahn. "They will rebuild it in a century or two. Anyhow, it served its purpose."

"And which purpose was that?" Ace asked.

"Drawing you out." Soterios shrugged. "Humans are like mice. Set fire under their feet and they'll scatter out unaware of the trap waiting for them."

I yelped when someone touched my arm.

Relax. Rixen's voice rang through my skull. Don't react.

My eyes widened, and I prayed to gods Soterios would think it was his cruelty that caused the reaction. Rixen was reaching from the shadows.

"Hardly a human trait. Set fire under anyone's feet and they'll scatter out." Ace said. "Even you."

A throaty, gurgling laugh fell of Soterios's lips, "Fire should not be fought with fire."

Walk backwards. Rixen spoke to my mind. Get him to the treeline.

"What do you want?" Ace grunted, pretending like the mage's presence did not affect him. But I knew it did. It seems as if I've grown attuned to the shifts in the vibe around him.

"Ace." I whispered, aware the mage could hear me, and stepped back.

"Irina, not now." Ace hissed, his glance glued to Soterios. He couldn't do much, his magic was weak.

Soterios looked at me and I felt like he could see right through me, "Leave the spell in Orathia alone and no one will get hurt. Go back to your homes, I'm sure you could use some rest and a warm meal. The world's fate is too heavy to rest on your shoulders."

"I will lock Ir-kaal whether you like it or not." Ace's voice dropped to a growl, and I doubted he was in any position to threaten.

I pulled at the mage's sleeve, hoping he would follow me. Backwards, Rixen said.

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