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dear jungwon,

letter 3 already? time flies.

it's currently wednesday and i have just come home from figure skating practice with sunghoon.
i forgot how exhausting it was, and how it messed my breathing pattern up. my lungs feel a little sore, but i'll be okay.

but enough about me, more about you.

today you met me at school rather than at our spot at the lamp-post. it was a little odd but i shook it off as you told me you have something planned for friday after school.

i was very excited.
you always made the best plans.

lunch was different today.

you didn't show up, which made me worried. i wanted to cry when you left me to sit alone in the cafeteria with no explanation.
however, i made myself busy and went to sit in an empty music room, at the piano. i know you like it whenever i play piano. you say it's calming for you to listen to.
even when i wanted to give up playing and focus on other things, you were the reason i didn't.
your happiness was the thing that kept me going.

i placed my fingers on the keys and started to let my fingers do whatever they wanted, forming a melody from my imagination.
they gently pressed on each key as i played a symphony - one i wish you had been there to hear.

i didn't realise you were stood there watching for a while, but somehow you had found me. looking at up at you, you startled me.
you came over to me and told me how beautiful my playing was and how you could listen to it all day.

making you happy was all i wanted in life.
to make you smile.
to know you were okay.
that made me happy.

today was pretty boring actually - like i said i had figure skating, but it didn't feel as special today. it felt like i had lost my touch with it.

i didn't really see you much. only at the piano. but i still saw you which is what counts.

i know i've mentioned it in previous letters but i spoke to the stars again tonight. i spoke to them about you and how happy you make me.
how you never fail to upset me.
how you always seem to love me for who i am.
and again, the stars were there to listen.

sorry for the short letter but i'm tired from skating so i shall leave this one here.

yours forever,

s t a r s  - yang jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now