Y/N's Home

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Y/N gets up of the ground, packs up her bag, slings it on her shoulder, puts on her aviator sunglasses and looks back at the group.

She smirks and says. "follow me." then walks off in the direction of the tour bus while everyone follows.

When she gets there she tells them. "everyone get on and I will direct you to the place we need to go." then she turns around whistles gets in and types in a location on the map once she's finished a man in a full black suit with black glasses knoks on the bus door and she let's him in.

" then she turns around whistles gets in and types in a location on the map once she's finished a man in a full black suit with black glasses knoks on the bus door and she let's him in

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"who the hell is this Y/N?" seb asks.

"this is Vladimir my bodyguard and now your driver for the time being because he knows everything he needs to so." you explained with a shrug of your shoulders.

Everyone stays silent so you say "OK, well vlad you already know everyone so can we get to where were going." you say with a smile then sit next to seb.

Vlad nods to you then says "Da, khozyayka, ya otvezu nas domoy." 'Yes, mistress, I'll take us home.'

"Spasibo Vladimir, takzhe, yesli mozhno, pozvonite zaraneye, chtoby poluchit' propuski, pozhaluysta." 'Thank you Vladimir, also if you can, call ahead for there access passes please.' you thank with a nod and ask with a wink.

Vladimir goes and sits in the driver seat, calls ahead your request in Russian then pulls out into the road and starts driving to your home.

"O, Vlad, ne mogli by vy vklyuchit' zvukovuyu sistemu, chtoby ya mog vklyuchit' svoyu muzyku, pozhaluysta, spasibo." 'Oh, vlad could you turn on the sound system so i can cast my music please, thanks.' you requested.

When he did so you started casting matt Maltese from your phone then looked over to seb who was looking at you amused, surprised and smiling proudly.

"how may languages can you speak?" seb question interested.

"Știi că ai fi putut să mă întrebi dacă aș putea vorbi românește dacă chiar ai fi vrut să știi." 'You know that you could have just asked if i could speak romanian if you really wanted to know.' you say with raised brows and smirk when he looks at you shocked.

Vlad snickers because he was the one who taught you along with the other languages you know. "ok wow well that's three, English, Russian and Romanian so what others, I know there has to be more." seb questions a little taken aback by your forwardness.

"Well give me a sec and I shall show you." you say and then turn around and look at Daniel brühl.

"Hola, Daniel, el Sebastià em pregunta quants idiomes parlo, quants creus que parlo?" 'Hey daniel, Sebastian is asking how many languages i speak, how many do you think i speak?' you ask Daniel in catalan.

Daniel turns to you surprised then smirks. "Bé, tenint en compte que pots parlar català, que és molt poc comú, diria que molts idiomes amb molta fluïdesa tenint en compte que la teva pronunciació és correcta, ben fet per cert, estic força impressionat." 'Well considering that you can speak catalan which is very uncommon i would say a lot of languages very fluently considering your pronunciation is spot on, well done by the way i am quite impressed.' he winks at you then turns to Sebastian who is also turned to look at him.

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