Buttercream Frosting - W.M. (☁️)

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Word Count: 404 Words 

Y/N's POV:

I smelled it. Cake. She was baking again. Both a good and a bad thing. 

"Good morning, Wands." I smiled softly in hopes of lifting my girlfriend's spirits.

My redheaded darling has a habit of baking or cooking when she's anxious or frustrated. And she sure did look frustrated. Her soft green eyes trailed their way towards my brown ones and her jaw softened. Her lips curving into a small smile.

God, I could never get enough of her.

"Good morning, my love. Even though it's almost 7 PM." She laughed breathlessly. 

Her angelic laugh. My favorite. 

"Did you sleep well?" 

I nodded and made my way towards the kitchen island where Wanda was stirring a bunch of buttercream in a light red bowl. I sat there on a stool directly across from her and studied her intently. I was in love with this woman. 

The way her tongue sticks out when she's focusing really hard. The way her eyebrows furrow when she gets confused. Her laugh. Everything. I loved all of her. 

I'm in love with Wanda Maximoff.

"What's the special occasion, Maximoff?" I asked. 

"I just needed to take my mind off of things..." She said softly.

"What things?"

"Missions and whatnot. It's stressing me out a little and you know this helps." Wanda chuckled lightly, waving towards the mess of bowls that were once filled with batter.

"Wanna know what else helps?" I asked.

"Y/N Y/L/N, I swear to God, if you say sex-"

"I wasn't! And I'm kind of hurt that you'd think I'd say that!" I exclaimed, feigning shock.

She tilted her head and smirked while raising an eyebrow. "Then what is it?"

"Um... uhhh... okay you know what! So maybe it was sex, but you don't have to say it for me, Wanda!" 

My girlfriend burst out laughing and stood there smiling at me shaking her head. Leaning into the counter, I took advantage of her being distracted and dipped a finger into the buttercream and licked it off.

"Holy shit, this is so good." I said. 

"Thanks, Y/N/N." Wanda smiled proudly.

I made my way to get one more dip when red wisps of magic held my hand down.

"No double dipping, love." My girlfriend stated promptly.

I frowned playfully and gave her the puppy dog eyes. Wanda smiled and leaned in, giving me a quick passionate kiss. 

"No more." She smiled.

I could feel the heat come to my face and I buried my head into my now free hands.

"Fine." I said in between my quiet giggles.

I loved this woman so much.


I hope you liked this one!! 


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