That's Kinky - N.R. (☁️)

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TW//Mild swearing, light bleeding (from a nose bleed), hints toward sex but they don't actually have it in this one, Y/N calls Nat a pedo as a little joke (not saying that stuff is a joking matter)


Word Count: 768 Words 

Third Person POV

"Well, fuck." Y/N breathed to herself.

"I'm sorry!" Wanda squealed. 

The two of them were training and Wanda had accidentally hit Y/N in the face a little too hard. Now the latter's nose was bleeding.

"I'm gonna go get some band-aids and get Nat for you!" The young Maximoff twin said hurriedly, rushing out the training room, disappearing behind the frosted glass doors.

After a couple of minutes, the redheaded Natasha Romanoff burst in the room and set her eyes on you.


"Hey, Natty." I grinned as my beautiful assassin of a girlfriend walked towards me, her face made of stone.

Nat crouched in front of me, examining my nose and using a damp towel to clean my nose up when we both heard Wanda speak.

"Are you mad at me, Nat? Or you Y/N? I swear it was an accident." 

"No, you're fine. Y/N doesn't have a broken nose and you guys were just training. She's had it worse than a bloody nose." Nat ended that sentence with a wink and I could feel the heat rise up to my face.

Natasha then picked me up bridal style without warning. I fussed over this.

"I can still walk you know." I frowned.

"Shut up, I'm taking you to the bedroom to clean you up."

I rolled my eyes and snuggled my face into Nat's shoulder. Quite comfy to be honest. I stayed like this until a fresh current of cool air brushed my face and I noticed we were in our shared bedroom. 

"Okay, down." Nat ordered to which I hopped off of her and she brought me to the bathroom. "Take off your clothes, I'll go get new ones and then put those in the washer." 

"That's kind of kinky." I said glaring at her smugly.

Nat turned around and raised an eyebrow. "Oh, I'll show you kinky. Take off your clothes, you're sweaty and gross. I suggest you take a bath, alright? I'll help you wash up." 

I frowned at her and proceeded to take off my clothes as she left and closed the door, going to find a new set of clothes. I threw the pile of clothes into a corner and started drawing the bath. Warm water streamed out of the faucet. I knelt down and let the water fill up in the tub and I swished my arm around, playing around with the water currents when a knock at the door interrupted me.

"Hey, can I come in now?" Nat asked, her voice muffled due to the sound of the water splashing and the door separating us.

"Yeah, I'm naked though so be careful, I guess." I warned her.

"It's nothing new, don't worry." My girlfriend said, opening the door. "Why are you on the floor?" 

"I was playing with the water..." I shrugged. 

Nat shook her head with a soft smile on her face and walked over to me as she put down some of the new clothes she had picked out.

"C'mon, in the tub, baby." She cooed.

I obediently got up and let her help me into the tub. I sat down and Nat turned off the faucet and went over to the closet.

"You want bubbles? Bath bombs?"


She nodded and got out a bottle of shampoo and poured a bunch in the tub and swished them around for me.

"It was just a nose bleed, Nat. You didn't have to do all of this." I stated looking over at her.

"I know, I just want to keep you here forever." Romanoff said.

"In the tub?" I smirked.

"With me, dumbass." She laughed breathlessly.

"Oh, right." I rolled my eyes.

~ Timeskip when Y/N is done bathing and she changed into Nat's hoodie and a new pair of underwear ~

Nat's POV

"Are you done changing?" I asked, knocking on the bedroom door. 

I had just put Y/N's dirty clothes into the washer and left her to change into my favorite hoodie that she also loves.

"Yeah, I'm good."

I waited for her response and then turned the door knob and saw my Y/H (your height) girlfriend snuggled underneath our comforter, wrapping her arms around her Y/F/C  Squish-A-Mallow owl.

"Oh my god, you're a child." I smiled softly, making my way towards her.

"Well you're dating me, so if I'm a child then you're a pedo." She smirked.

I squinted my eyes at her and got into the bed with her. Automatically, she put her head against my chest and let the soft stuffy rest on my stomach. I pulled her hood down and kissed the top of head before nuzzling closer to her.

"I love you, Natty." She whispered.

Smiling, I replied, "I love you too, moya lyubov (my love)."

And we drifted to sleep like this.

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