Are You Kidding Me - Y.B. (💕)

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Requested by beastmode_annmarie (thx for the request <3)

Word Count: 951 Words

TW: A mention of blades/cutting (not sh just red room things), invalidation, night terrors, alcohol abuse, swearing

(Note: I love Tony and Steve and everyone, but for the sake of this AU-like imagine, I've made them really unlikable)

Be safe you guys <33

The request:

The request:

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Nat's POV

"I hate men."  

Wanda, Yelena, and I were sitting on the floor, talking about our new training schedule when Y/N walked in saying those three words. 

"What's wrong with men now?" I asked. 

"Well the dumbass known as Shmaptain Shmerica decided to put me up for gun training. He said it was a joke, but that was before I kicked him in his balls and threw him on the floor, and started choking him out." She smiled before sitting on the couch next to Yelena. 

Yelena smiled, "Look sis, she's learning from us." 

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "And you were supposed to be the nice one?"

"Nat, when did I ever sign up for that?" 

Y/N's POV - That Night

It was dark. The sounds of a ruler hitting a board got louder and louder, filling my ears. Squinting, I staggered down the hall turning the doorknob on every cedar door. Locked. Locked. And locked. There was a shadow in the distance, covered by a stream of fog. 

"Come on, Y/N. You're late." She whispered in that ghost voice I hated hearing. 

"I'm not here anymore. I'm with the Avengers. You can't get me." I whispered. My voice wasn't as loud as I wanted it to be, making me sound weaker than I already felt. 

"Come home Y/N."

"This was never my home." I felt a cold hand grip on my bicep, it's nails sinking into my skin.

I wanted to scream, but something held me back. I just couldn't. It was like my voice was on mute. No matter how much I attempted to use my vocal chords, nothing escaped my helpless body.

"You are home. This is home." It hissed.

Suddenly I was thrown into the wall, but wasn't against one. I could feel a hard surface against my back and it felt like blood was trickling from my neck down my back. I tried to move my arms, but they were pinned to my side. I blinked and when I opened my eyes, I was strapped to a gurney, bright lights whizzing past me. I still couldn't speak or move, it felt like swirls of gray were clogging up my senses. My head was pushed down and I felt a blade enter my stomach, I screamed out in pain, but nothing came out. I closed my eyes and could feel tears running from my eyes. The stinging ceased, but the ringing in my ears didn't, instead they got louder. More violent. 

"Help me... please." I whispered, sour tears touching the base of my tongue occasionally. "Please-please." 

Third Person POV

Y/N woke up drenched in sweat. Her chest heaving in rapid motions. It took her a second to notice her older sister Yelena standing next to her, concern etched into the contours of her face. 

"What happened, Y/N?" The way the blonde sister asked the question seemed more like a demand to know what was wrong. 


"FRIDAY told us that you weren't good. Y/N, your heart rate was that of a heart attack." 

Looking away, Y/N took several deep breaths and noticed how bad her head was hurting. 

"Can we not, Yelena? My head is pounding." The 13-year-old whispered. 

Yelena sighed and left the room after planting a small kiss on her younger sister's forehead, she left the room bombarded with questions from both Nat and Wanda.

"What happened? Is she okay? Did she have a heart attack?" Nat rambled.

"No... I think it was a nightmare." Yelena said, causing the rest of the Avengers to scoff. 

"She couldn't handle a nightmare?" Tony raised an eyebrow, taking a sip from his shot glass full of scotch. 

"Shut the hell up before I throw you through the ground like I did with Vis one time." Wanda glared, her eyes turning red. 

Ever since Wanda Maximoff had been dating Nat, Y/N was like her best friend and she was deeply worried.  

"I'm getting her some Advil." Yelena sighed, choosing to ignore Tony's remark. 

Nat, Wanda, and Yelena journeyed back to Y/N's room, Tony and Steve sneaking behind them while Bruce hesitantly followed. Y/N was as pale as a ghost when the three girls walked in sympathetically.

"Take this ангел (angel in Russian), it'll help with the headache." Yelena whispered.

Yelena being the middle child, she was always really close with Y/N. They went through hell together and escaped it, guns in both hands. 

"Steve, why is she even on our team?" Tony slurred as he raised an eyebrow.

Steve shrugged drunkenly as Bruce tried to steer them away. 

"No... I'm sorry." Y/N whispered.

"Y/N, you didn't do anything, ignore those придурки (assholes in Russian)." Yelena squeezed her sister's hand as she tried to bring it up to cover her face. 

Y/N rocked back and forth softly, trying hard to tune out the voices. 

"You're a fucking crybaby Y/N. You're a bi-" He muttered before red wisps of Wanda's power threw him against the wall and Yelena kicked him in the nuts and closed her hand around his throat. 

"Скажи это еще раз, Тони Старк, и я клянусь, что причиню тебе боль ("Say that again Tony Stark and I swear I will fucking hurt you")." She whispered menacingly in his ear before shoving him towards Wanda who then threw him out the door, her eyes glowing red towards Steve who ran behind Tony hurriedly. 

Bruce walked in sheepishly and apologized, deeply hating what the guys had just said. Yelena simply nodded and wrapped her arms around Y/N. 

"теперь ты в порядке... я поймал тебя. ты наш ангел ("You're okay now... I've got you. You're our angel")." She whispered in Y/N's ear. 

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